What are the advantages of a charging station?
Installing charging stations can only be a plus for your business. We'll show you all the ways in which you can benefit from installing a charging station.
Photovoltaic panel installation: list of regional grants
Solar energy is proving to be a reliable alternative for covering the electricity needs of both private individuals and professionals.
Installing photovoltaic panels not only allows you to opt for more responsible electricity consumption, but also to reduce your bill by partially freeing yourself from the distribution network.
Trade-in your car or conversion bonus: what's the best choice?
In this article, we're going to talk about trade-in and the conversion premium. Between acquiring a new vehicle at a reduced price, and the opportunity to get rid of your old car, you'll find everything you need to know about trade-in and the conversion bonus.
All you need to know about the conversion bonus in 2023
But what is the conversion bonus? In this article, you'll find everything you need to know about the conversion bonus in 2023. With its criteria, amounts and ecological bonus, this subsidy is right up your street.
5 reasons to install charging stations on your premises
To help you understand the link between energy transition and competitiveness, here are 5 reasons why you should install charging stations at your company.
Medium-term leasing for electric cars
At Beev, we've often talked to you about long-term leasing (LLD) and leasing with purchase option (LOA). In fact, we regularly offer you very attractive deals on these two financing methods.
How to find a free recharging point? - Beev
Where can I find free charging stations? In France, more and more electric vehicles are being registered every day. While the automotive market as a whole is in the doldrums, the electric segment continues to grow.
Everything you need to know about Ma Prime Renov 
For some time, since the end of 2020 to be precise, the State has abolished the aid named CITE, the tax credit for energy transition. The CITE was awarded to households who carried out insulation work in their main home or to make it less energy-intensive. The bonus was subject to a means test. This aid has been replaced since 2021 by the energy renovation bonus: MaPrimeRenov'.
So let's get together again to talk to you in more detail about what Ma Prime Renov' aid is, you'll find all the information you need in this article. Are you ready? Let's get started!
Top 10 best charging stations in 2024
We keep telling you at Beev that electric vehicles are THE mobility of the future. And it's great to see that more and more of you are realizing this.
Can I cancel a leasing contract?
Cancelling a leasing or long-term rental contract is possible, but you need to anticipate certain penalties.
Leasing, whether with or without a purchase option, offers many advantages. However, it is much less flexible than a medium-term rental or cash purchase.
It is possible to terminate the contract during the lease period, but this can be costly.
Early return of the vehicle entails substantial financial penalties or IRAs (Indemnités Restitution Anticipée).
Airbnb sets up a filter for electric vehicle charging stations
A necessary evolution