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Electric mobility: Proposals from French political parties

Electric mobility Proposals from French political parties

The 2024 parliamentary elections are fast approaching, and energy is high on the agenda of the main political parties. 


At the same time, the French government aims to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles as part of its energy transition policy. These measures aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector and to stimulate the automotive industry towards more sustainable production.


Accordingly, the objectives include :


With this in mind, several political parties in France offer various proposals for balancing ecological and economic needs. The transition to more environmentally-friendly vehicles is a constant topic, with differing views on the banning of combustion engines and the development of transport infrastructures.


In this article, we'll explore the main proposals made by the French political parties on the subject of electric mobility, to help you understand the stakes and prospects for this fast-moving sector.

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Legislative elections 2024 and electromobility: key information

As stated in the preamble, the government's priority policy is to encourage the switch to electric vehicles for private and business customers in France. To this end, targets have been set to speed up the process.


But what is the current situation? Here are a few charts summarizing some of the targets that have been set with a view to banning the sale of combustion engine vehicles from 2035.

objectives set ME

Source :


Knowing this, a burning issue seems to be neglected, according to the Fédération nationale des usagers de transports. In a press release dated Tuesday June 18, 2024, the Fnaut regrets the partial absence of the subject of mobility.


Yet this question is of vital importance in several respects: 


  • Opening up certain regions,
  • Improved inclusion of vulnerable populations,
  • Reducing CO2 emissions (to comply with the Paris agreements and achieve the national goal of carbon neutrality by 2050).

Decarbonization will not be possible without a soft mobility policy, which will inevitably involve boosting rail services to encourage the French to switch from car to train.

Shortly afterwards, the Automotive and Mobility (PFA) held a round table on May 22, 2024bringing together political parties to discuss the future and their perspectives on the automotive industry ahead of the European elections. Thus, 7 political figures were presentas well asa representative of French political forces.

The automotive industry is at the forefront of the climate battle and engaged in an historic transformation.

Several topics were discussed at the meeting, including : 

  • customs barriers, 
  • the end of combustion-powered cars in 2035,
  • but also competition from China.


To consult : Tax on Chinese electric cars: the impact on Europe


The debates revealed differences on green mobilityincluding the end of combustion engine cars in 2035 and the switch to electric vehicles.

Some parties support all-electricity, while others oppose it, illustrating a clear division over future mobility policy in Europe. 

Electric mobility and French political parties: a summary

Following the May 22 round table, the statements made by the parties clearly reveal a division into two groups. On one side, the supporters of 100% electric vehicles, and on the other, the more hesitant. 

Political parties against electric mobility

In the French political landscape, several parties have expressed skepticism about the transition to electric mobility. Their positions, often motivated by economic and social concerns, deserve particular attention if we are to understand the issues surrounding the future of the automobile in France.


Indeed, the Rassemblement National and, more broadly, theEuropean far right, are overwhelmingly in favor ofabandoning the transition to all-electricity

While some see this decision as a sign of traditional conservatism, others say that it is necessary to defend the working classes, for whom buying an electric car is currently very difficult.

The end of the internal combustion engine by 2035 is a slash in the purchasing power of our fellow citizens.

In short, the far-right party's position on this issue is clear: Jordan Bardella insisted on his intention to intention to revoke the ban on the sale of new combustion-powered cars from 2035.. In addition, he proposes to reduce VAT on fuels from 20% to 5.5.


Marion Maréchal, of the Reconquête! party, shares the same opinion. She considers the transition to electric vehicles to be an "ecologicalecological delusion"forcing Europeans to use Chinese electric cars powered by Chinese wind turbines.


François-Xavier Bellamy, Executive Vice-President of Les Républicains, is also opposed to all-electricity.


Finally, despite the absence of any explicit reference in her political program, Manon Aubry also believes that it is not that it is not preferable to replace all combustion vehicles with electric ones.. Instead, this France Insoumise MEP encourages the development of alternative options.

Even so, these comments need to be qualified, given that the latter is a pro-ecology advocate of a number of ideas, including : 


  • "Plan to phase out nuclear power and carbon energies and move towards a 100% renewable energy mix by 2050".
  • "Introduce a European tax on international and intra-European flights, and ban flights within the EU when there is an alternative train journey of less than 4 hours." 
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Programs opposed to the development of electric cars: the rundown

As we saw earlier, some parties are expressing reservations or proposing alternative programs on the subject of electric cars, and more broadly on the ban on the sale of new combustion-powered vehicles from 2035. 


Here's a summary of programs not aimed at developing electric cars in France, offering a nuanced perspective on the challenges and concerns associated with this transition.

Jordan Bardella
Rassemblement National
"Repeal the ban on the sale of new combustion engine vehicles from 2035".
François-Xavier Bellamy
The Republicans
"Repeal the ban on the sale of new combustion-powered vehicles in 2035".
Marion Maréchal
"Raise the tariff to 50% from 10% on Chinese electric vehicles". "Repeal the green pact and everything that has been voted on thermal vehicles".

Political parties in favor of electric mobility

The transition to electric mobility is a major challenge for the future of France. Various French political parties have taken clear positions and are proposing ambitious measures to promote electric vehicles. 


Recently, through Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, the Renaissance party unveiled its program.

Only one proposal seems to be moving in the direction of decarbonizing the transport sector: a new social leasing plansimilar to that of 2024. This new plan should involve 100,000 electric cars by 2025and is expected to cost 1.3 billion euros to the government.


But that's not all: the main supporters of 100% electric mobility are :

  • the party of Écologistes-EELV,
  • Valérie Hayer, co-president of the party Renaissance,
  • Léon Deffontaines, to head the list of the Communist Party,
  • and Raphaël Glucksmann, from the Socialist Party and Place publique.


Indeed, although no mention is made of electric mobility, Léon Deffontaines expresses his desire to "develop genuine industrial cooperation, why not on a European scale, in the field of electric automobiles". 

Finally, to make electric vehicles accessible to all, the Communist candidate advocates "an increase in salaries and retirement pensions".

Programs for the development of electric cars: a summary

Some French political parties are proposing significant measures in their programs to promote the adoption of clean vehicles. 


Here's a summary of the main political parties' programs to promote the development of electric cars.

Marie Toussaint
"Achieve 100% renewables by 2040 and ban all new fossil fuel projects in Europe".
Raphaël Glucksmann
Socialist Party and Place publique
"Reinforce vehicle efficiency and weight standards (...) and in the electrification of road transport".
Valérie Hayer
"Reaching 10 million clean vehicles produced in Europe".


Visions for a sustainable future in the automotive proposals for the European elections 2024 are varied. Indeed, we note divergent positions among French political parties on electric mobility, highlighting the complexity of the debate surrounding the future of the automobile. 


While some some advocate rapid mass adoption of electric vehiclesothers are calling for a more more cautious and diversified approach. These varied points of view offer rich food for thought for voters and decision-makers committed to the energy transition.


The direction of European policy on mobility and environmental protection will therefore depend on voters' choices. 

And don't forget: on June 30 and July 7, 2024, make your voice heard by voting, just like team Beev who will be voting for the future of our country!

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Picture of Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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