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Solar roof tiles: everything you need to know

All you need to know about solar roof tiles

The solar roof tiles represent a revolution in the field of renewable energy. Combining aesthetics and performance, they can transform a simple roof into a real source of electricity, while preserving the visual harmony of your home.


Whether you're concerned about the environment or looking for a discreet, efficient energy solution, solar roof tiles are an attractive attractive alternative to traditional photovoltaic panels.. But how do they really work? What are their advantages and disadvantages, and how much can you expect to pay to install them?


In this article, we'll explore in detail everything you need to know to make the best choice when it comes to solar tiles.

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What are solar roof tiles and how do they work?

A solar tile, also known as a photovoltaic tile, is an innovative roofing element that combines the functions of a conventional tile with those of a solar panel. functions of a conventional tile with those of a solar panel. Unlike traditional solar panels, which are installed on top of the roof, solar tiles are integrated directly into the roof structureoffering a more aesthetic and discreet solution. In fact, they are designed to perfectly reproduce the appearance of the latter, while being protected by a top layer of tempered glass. protected by a top layer of tempered glass tempered glass.


In addition, the solar tiles are interconnected via waterproof connectors.


But that's not all: in addition to fulfilling its roofing role to guarantee thewatertightness of your roofa solar tile :


  • captures sunlight,
  • and converts it into electricity using photovoltaic cells.


Like solar panels, solar roof tiles generate their own green energy and renewable energyhelping to reduce the building's energy consumption, thereby cutting electricity bills.


As briefly explained above, the operation of a solar tile is based on photovoltaic cellscells, usually made of silicon, integrated into the tile. These cells capture the sun's light energy and convert it into electricity using the photovoltaic effect.

In concrete terms, when the sun's photons strike the cells, they stimulate the electrons in the silicon, generating an electric current. electric current. This current can then be used to power electrical appliances in the home/business or stored in batteries for later use.

The different types of solar roof tiles

Solar roof tiles come in a variety of types, each offering specific advantages to meet the diverse needs of homeowners. Among the options available, each is distinguished by its design, energy performance and level of integration into the roof.

The classic solar tile

The classic solar roof tile is the one aesthetically closest to a traditional roof tile.. It is available in several formats (flat, corrugated, slate) and colors to suit most roofs.


Its similar in appearance to traditional tiles allows for visual integration on your roof. It is also available in different formats and adapt more easily to complex roofs than large solar tiles..

But that's not all: it's generally less expensive than the large solar tile because of its smaller size and less complexity.


Nevertheless, their surface area is smaller than that of wide tilesthey may have a slightly lower energy yield.

In addition, the installation can be longer and more time-consuming than with wide solar tiles, which cover a larger surface area in one go.

The large solar tile

The large solar tile is distinguished by its imposing size, covering the entire surface of the roof.


Itblends in perfectly with the roof and gives a uniform appearance to your roofoften imitating the aesthetics of traditional clay or concrete tiles. What's more, because it covers a larger roof surfacewide solar tile is potentially more energy-efficient energy efficiency than a conventional, smaller solar tile. solar tile.

It should also be noted that quicker and easier to install than several smallthan installing several small conventional solar tiles.


However, it is generally more expensive to purchase than a conventional solar tile because of its size and its integration integration.

Its heavier weight sometimes requires a check on the strength of the roof structure before installation.

The invisible solar tile

The invisible solar tile represents one of the most recent innovations in the field of renewable energies and architectural integration..

As the name suggests, this tile is designed to blend seamlessly into the roof design thanks to the glass tiles used, making solar tiles virtually invisible to the naked eye.

This type of tile is particularly popular for renovation projects on historic buildings, or for new constructions where aesthetics are paramount. 


However, this technology is more recent and more sophisticatedit is generally more expensive than other types of solar roof tiles. Similarly, the conversion efficiency may be slightly lower than with conventional than conventional tiles, due to the transparent film.


Already widely used in the Nordic countries, transparent transparent solar roofs are starting to gain a foothold in France..

Solar slate

Solar slate is a variation variant of the classic solar tile, imitating the shape and appearance of traditional slates used for pitched roofs. This type of solar tile also features a photovoltaic panel integrated into a waterproof, weather-resistant roofing material.


It is particularly appreciated by homeowners for its aesthetic aesthetic appeal.

solar roof tile

Advantages and disadvantages of photovoltaic roof tiles

Solar roof tiles represent a fascinating innovation that combines aestheticism and energy efficiency. But before embarking on this ambitious project, it's crucial to weigh up the pros and cons. These tiles, elegant as they are, hide considerable assets, but also challenges that should not be underestimated.

Here's a summary of the main advantages and disadvantages of this technology.

Aesthetics: They blend in perfectly with the roof, respecting the traditional appearance.
High cost: The purchase and installation price is still higher than that of conventional solar panels (solar tiles from €900 to €2,000 per m² vs. €200 to €800 for photovoltaic panels).
Discreet installation: They replace conventional tiles, with no visible structural additions.
Efficiency: The yield is lower than that of conventional solar panels, due to their smaller surface area and the need for a larger surface area to produce the same amount of electricity (solar tiles at 90 Wp per m² vs. 180 to 225 Wp for photovoltaic panels).
Durability: Designed to withstand the elements, they offer a long service life (15 to 30 years).
Maintenance: Replacing or repairing a faulty tile can be more complex.
Energy efficiency: They generate electricity while ensuring watertightness.
Impossible to superimpose: solar tiles are best suited to new builds or renovations requiring roof replacement, as they cannot be superimposed on an existing roof.
Property enhancement: Improve property value by integrating modern, sustainable technology.
Payback time: Longer than for other solar solutions, due to high initial cost.

What is the yield of solar roof tiles and how do I calculate it?

The efficiency of photovoltaic solar tiles, i.e. their ability to convert solar energy into electricity, is a key criterion for assessing their effectiveness. 

On average, the efficiency of solar roof tiles is between 10% and 15%.lower than that of conventional traditional solar panelswhich can reach up to 22%.. This difference can be explained by the smaller size and tile designwhich limit the active surface available to capture solar energy.

What's more, the payback period for solar roof tiles is 15 to 20 years, compared with 15 to 20 years for photovoltaic panels.

Read more : Solar panels for electric cars: everything you need to know


In addition, many factors influence the performance of solar roof tiles: 


  • wear and tear,
  • the cast shadow,
  • temperature,
  • sunshine,
  • the roof surface,
  • the type of solar roof tiles,
  • as well as roof pitch and orientation.

To calculate the yield of a solar tile, use the following formula:


Efficiency (%) = Rated power (Wp) / Area (m²) × Solar irradiance (W/m²)


Let's take a concrete example:


  • Solar tile power rating: 30 Wp (peak watts)
  • Tile area: 0.5 m².
  • Solar radiation: 1000 W/m² (standard value used to simulate optimum sunshine conditions)


We now apply these values to the formula :


Power output = 30 Wp / 0.5 m² × 1000 W/m².


Yield = 30 / 500 = 0.06 


Yield = 0.06 × 100 = 6%.


All in all, the solar tile's efficiency is 6%, meaning that 6% of the solar energy captured by the tile is converted into electricity.


💡Did you know ? By investing in batteries, like Tesla's Powerwall, you can conserve the electricity generated during the day for later use.

How much do photovoltaic tiles cost?

As highlighted throughout this article, solar roof tiles represent a considerable investment. In fact, its acquisition cost is considerably higher than that of solar panels.


The cost of your solar system can increase rapidly depending on various parameters, such as the model chosen and the surface area to be covered. 

In other words, because they are less efficient than photovoltaic panels, solar roof tiles require greater investment to achieve equivalent power output.


The average budget is 900 to €2,000/m² for a complete for a complete installation, i.e. 7 to 10 €/Wp compared with solar panels, whose average cost varies between €2 and €3/Wp.

At present, the market for photovoltaic roof tiles remains limited in terms of models and manufacturers. In France, 4 options are available:


  • Solar Roof from Tesla,
  • Sunstyle from Sunstyle,
  • Invisible Solar by Dyaqua,
  • and Edilians (formerly Imerys Toiture).


However, due to limited choice and high prices, their adoption by households is still marginal.

Solar roof tiles or photovoltaic panels: which to choose?

Roof tiles and photovoltaic panels offer similar characteristics. Consequently, your decision will be based primarily on 4 fundamental criteria :


  • cost,
  • aesthetics,
  • performance,
  • and durability of the installation.


To help you make the right choice, we've compared these two solar options according to a number of different criteria.

Criteria 1: Energy efficiency

As previously stated, conventional conventional photovoltaic panels are generally more efficient than than solar roof tiles. This is because they capture sunlight better, thanks to a design optimized to maximize electricity production. If your priority is energy efficiency, photovoltaic panels are the best option.

Criterion #2: Aesthetics

Aesthetics are a decisive factor for many homeowners. Solar tiles, integrated directly into the roof, offer a discreet discreet and elegant solutionthat preserves the appearance of your home. They are ideal for buildings where the integration of panels could detract from the overall aesthetic, or for listed buildings.


In this sense, solar roof tiles are an interesting option.

Criterion 3: Cost

As previously stated, the price of the price of solar roof tiles is significantly higher than that of photovoltaic panels. In addition, the amortization period for solar roof tiles is longermaking them less attractive from a financial point of view. If budget is a major consideration, photovoltaic panels offer greater cost-effectiveness.

Criteria 4: Durability and installation

Solar roof tiles are designed to withstand the elements while incorporating photovoltaic cells. However, their installation more complex and costly to install. Photovoltaic panels, on the other hand, are easier to install and maintain, which may also influence your decision.


Please note It is important to note that using an RGE-certified installer (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement) certified installer guarantees optimum expertise for the installation of your solar panels. Indeed, an incorrect installation can compromise ideal exposure to sunlightreducing electricity production.


What's more, choosing an RGE-certified installer entitles you to government subsidies for installing solar panels at home.

solar roof

Available grants for solar tile installation

Opting for solar roof tiles is not only an aesthetically pleasing aesthetic and ecological choiceecological choice, but it also means numerous financial incentives to reduce the initial investment.

In France, various incentives are in place to encourage private individuals to adopt this innovative technology. Let's take a look at how these financial opportunities can help you make your solar project a reality.

The self-consumption bonus

The self-consumption bonus is a financial financial support granted when you opt for :

  • the total sale, 
  • total self-consumption,
  • or self-consumption and sale of surplus.


As a result, all solar installations with a capacity 100 kWp or less are eligible for this premium.


The amount of this premium is determined by the connection request date (DCR) of your installation and is recalculated each quarter by the CRE (Commission de Régulation de l'énergie).

It decreases progressively according to the installed capacity and certain specific levels, namely : 


  • for an installation ≤ 3 kWp = €260/kWp 
  • for a system ≤ 9 kWp = €190/kWp 
  • for a system ≤ 36 kWp = €190/kWp 
  • for an installation ≤ 100 kWp = 100 €/kWp 


(Rates applicable from August 1ᵉʳ to October 31, 2024). 

The landscape integration bonus

Introduced by the French government in 2021, the landscape integration bonus, or Ptuileis a financial incentive for certain photovoltaic installations. The installations of up to 500 kWp are eligible..


This aid is not means-tested, provided that several conditions are met:


  • L'roof pitch must be between 10° and 75,
  • L'installation must be carried out by an RGE-certified professional,
  • At least 80% of the roof surface must be covered by thesolar system,
  • The solar roof tiles must be installed on a roof (building, house or shed),
  • The solar equipment must guaranteeroof watertightness by overlap or interlocking,
  • A certificate of conformity must be issued by the Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment (CSTB) after completion of the work,
  • The amount of this landscape bonus depends on the date of the connection request and the output of the solar system.


The amount of this premium varies according to 2 factors: the date of the connection request and the power of the solar installation. 


The tariffs in effect for connection requests submitted before October 8, 2023 are as follows:


  • installed capacity ≤ 100 kWp = 0.133 €/Wp
  • installed capacity > 100 and ≤ 250 kWp = 0.128 €/Wp
  • installed capacity > 250 and ≤ 500 kWp = 0.125 €/Wp


That said, here are the photovoltaic processes eligible for the landscape integration bonus:

Sunstyle Steel
PV roof tiles and slates
VMH Energies
Integrated V-SYS

Reduced-rate VAT

The reduced VAT rate applies exclusively to solar tile installation projects with a power output power does not exceed 3 kWp. In this case, you will benefit from a VAT rate of 10% on your solar tiles, in which case 20% VAT will be applied.

The zero-rate eco-loan (éco-PTZ)

The eco-PTZ, or zero-rate eco-loan, is a mechanism introduced by the French government to help private individuals finance energy renovation work on their homes. As its name suggests, this zero-interest loan enables you to repay the amount borrowed interest-free.

This means you canborrow up to €50,000for all energy-efficiency renovation work.

Advantageous feed-in tariffs for green energy

The electricity generated by solar power can be fully consumed, partially self-consumed with the sale of surplus, or even sold in its entirety. In these 2 cases, you can choose between :


  • The resale via EDF OA's Obligation d'Achat scheme (Obligation d'Achat) or ELD (Local Distribution Companies), with a guaranteed tariff for 20 years,
  • Resale to an alternative supplier, who can : 
    • or take over your Obligation d'Achat contract, 
    • or offer you an alternative feed-in tariff, generally lower than that of EDF OA and ELD.


The sale of your solar-generated electricity is governed by a purchase contract, the final amount of which is determined on the basis of the tariff quarter applicable at the time the connection request is completed. 

What's more, the amount is set in stages according to the power of your installation.


Here are the EDF OA feed-in tariffs from August 1ᵉʳ to October 31, 2024: 

  • Plant ≤ 3 kWp  
      • 0.1276 €/kWh (sale of surplus)
      • 0.1205 €/kWh (total sale)
  • Plant > 3 and ≤ 9 kWp
      • 0.1276 €/kWh (sale of surplus)
      • 0.1024 €/kWh (total sales)
  • Plant > 9 and ≤ 36 kWp 
      • 0.0765 €/kWh (sale of surplus)
      • 0.1318 €/kWh
  • Plant > 36 and ≤ 100 kWp
    • 0.0765 €/kWh (sale of surplus)
    • 0.1146 €/kWh (total sales)


💡Did you know ? Income from the sale of your electricity is not subject to taxation for installations with a capacity of less than 3 kWp.


In conclusion, solar roof tiles represent a significant advance in the field of renewable energies, combining aesthetics and functionality. 


Their integration into construction projects not only generates green energy, but also optimizes the energy efficiency of buildings. By choosing solar roof tiles, you are investing in a sustainable, innovative technology that is perfectly suited to modern requirements. Nevertheless, 


You now have all the information you need to make your choice and launch your solar project! 

How about installing photovoltaic solar panels?

With Beev, get a turnkey solar panel solution to reduce your electricity consumption.

Image by Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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