Charging stations and electric cars: what are the challenges?

Electric car charging station

In October 2022, where do we stand with electric vehicles in France? According to the Avere-France barometer of September 2022, a rise in registrations has been noted: in the 9ᵉ months of 2022, 239,486 electric models have been registered since January 2022. Looking more closely at 100% electric vehicles, the barometer shows a 31% increase on 2021.

As the number of electric vehicle registrations continues to rise, recharging infrastructures are keeping pace with the trend. As of September 30, 2022, France had 71,630 charging points on the meter, an increase of 46% in the space of a year. Remarkable progress, but fragile if all motorists are to be able to recharge their vehicles.

If so, are there any actions in place to keep up with the trend? Let's find out.

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Where do we stand with charging stations in France?

In France charging infrastructure are not keeping pace with the number of electric vehicle registrations. As a result, many motorists are finding it difficult to recharge their vehicles.

If we can give an example, during the summer of 2022, many French people took to the road for their vacations with their electric cars, i.e. "74% of French people who intend to go on vacation this summer", according to an Ipsos study..

On their route, fast fast-charging stations have been available at all freeway service areas since the end of 2022. However, there is a problem: the profitability of charging stations at a time when the price of electricity is skyrocketing.

Energy prices for both private and business customers have been rising in recent months. But fortunately, while the tariff shield was due to end in February 2023, on September 19, 2022, the government announced an extension of the tariff shield throughout 2023. In 2022, the regulated electricity sales tariff (TRV) for private customers increased by 4%. On February 1, 2023, it will increase by 15% in 2023.

In fact, as Emmanuel Macron announced in an interview interview with Les Echos "From January 2023, we're also going to extend the tariff shield to electric charging stations [...] Today's prices remain reasonable, and we're going to make sure they stay that way".

See also : how to recharge your electric car on the freeway?

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What were the solutions for the charging stations?

Aside from the slowdown in the installation of electric charging stations in France, several charging networks are keen to expand their market, to give every motorist the opportunity to charge their vehicle with peace of mind.

Tesla Superchargers

To remedy this, manufacturers were the first to install ultra-fast high-speed terminals. In fact, Tesla is installing more and more Tesla Superchargersinitially accessible only to Tesla electric cars. Now, these charging stations are open to all electric cars. By the way, Beev takes you on a video tour of Tesla's expanding charging network..

Renault charging network

In addition, to expand fast-charging stations, On October 10, 2022, Renault announced that it would have its own network of charging stations.. To achieve this, the automaker aims to have 200 fast-charging stations at its dealerships by mid-2024. These stations will be located close to the freeway stations in France, of which 90 will be installed in FranceSpain, Belgium and Italy.

IONITY charging network

With electric car registrations on the rise in the face of soaring fuel prices, the IONITYnetwork has seen an acceleration in the number of visits to its recharging stations. 92,000 "acts of recharging" in the first quarter of 2022.. To sustain this growth, IONITY aims to expand across Europe and reach 7,000 charging stations by 2025. To achieve this goal, 700 million euros were raised at the end of 2022 thanks to its shareholders and the American asset manager BlackRock.

The acceleration given by Tesla, Renault and IONITY SuperChargers is enough to make energy giants such as Shell, EDF and TotalEnergie sit up and take notice, and even spur new players to develop this market, such as Fastned. Speaking of the latter operator, recognizable by its yellow canopy, Fastned has tripled its revenues by reaching 1,000 charge points in Q3 in Europe.

In conclusion

We note that French motorists are increasingly in favor of electric vehicles. In France, there are almost 100,000 recharging points for ten times as many electric vehicles on the road. Many players understand this issue and want to accelerate and reinforce the installation of charging infrastructures throughout France.

In fact, if you'd like to find out more about electric cars or our charging solutions, don't hesitate to contact our Beev experts.

Image by Grace Nzuzi
Grace Nzuzi

Through my articles, I help you to better manage your energy transition. And I do this for professionals and private individuals alike.

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