How do you calculate the cost of your electric recharge?

How to calculate the cost of your electric recharge

Have you just bought an electric car and are wondering about the cost of recharging? Unlike gasoline, it's difficult to estimate your energy budget. Fortunately, there's a simple formula to help you make the most of your daily commute. 

In this article, we'll explore the various factors impacting your electricity bill, as well as an effective method for calculating your electric charging expenses. This will enable you to make informed decisions for your budget and the environment.

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What factors influence the cost of recharging an electric vehicle?

Did you know that the cost of recharging your electric car is not set in stone? In fact, several factors can influence the final bill. Let's take a closer look at these factors to help you make the most of your electric mobility.

See also : 8 tips for reducing the energy consumption of an electric car

The route taken

The distances you travel and the types of road you take will have a significant impact on your energy costs. 

For example, city journeys, with their many stops and starts, enable better energy recovery thanks to regenerative brakingThis reduces electricity consumption.

💡Did you know? Thanks to regenerative braking, up to up to 30% ofrange can be regained when braking.

On the other hand, on freeways where speeds are kept high, energy consumption is generally higher. Similarly, journeys involving uneven can result in additional energy consumption additional energy consumption on the way up and recovery on the way down.

It should also be noted that the distance you travel plays a crucial role in calculating in calculating your recharging costs. Logically, the further you drive, the more energy your vehicle consumes, and therefore the more you need to recharge.

By understanding the impact of your journey on your electric vehicle's energy consumption, you can better estimate your recharging costs and optimize your budget.

The size of the electric vehicle battery

When it comes to calculating the cost of recharging an electric vehicle, the car model plays a major role. For example, the battery size of your electric vehicle will play a key play a key role in the final billbecause it requires more energy.

In fact, each model is equipped with a specific battery, whose capacity directly influences the cost of recharging. In general, the the greater the battery capacity, the higher the cost of rechargingsince a greater quantity of electricity is required to fully recharge it.

For example, charging a 50 to 60 kWh battery such as the Renault Zoe e-Tech could take around 8 hours on a 3.7 kW charging stationcharging station, while a 100 kWh battery like the Tesla Model S may require 12 hours or more or more to be fully charged.

In short, an electric SUV with a high-capacity battery compatible with rapid recharging will require a larger recharging budget than a small electric electric city car that can be recharged slowly at home.

The power of the charging station

Visit charging stations vary in powerThis directly affects the time needed to recharge your vehicle, and therefore the overall cost. High-power stations can recharge your vehicle faster, but this can also mean higher charging rates.

As a reminder, conventional charging stations, operating on alternating currentare available in 4 standardized power levels :

  • 3.7 kW, 
  • 7.4 kW, 
  • 11 kW,
  • and 22 kW. 

These power choices correspond to specific amperage levels and two distinct types of electrical network.

For more information on this subject, please read our article : How much recharging power do you need for your electric car?

On the other hand low-power charging stations can offer lower lower charging ratesbut the time required for a full recharge may be longer.. The choice of charging station power depends on your individual needs in terms of time, cost and convenience.

Rates for public charging stations

It's important to know that are affiliated with different networkseach with its own specific pricingSome offer subscription plans or discounts for off-peak recharging. Some offer subscription plans or discounts for off-peak recharging.

To consult : How much do electric car charging stations cost?

In addition, charging charging costs vary according to the location of public charging stationswith rates generally higher in urban than in rural areas, due to maintenance costs and supply and demand.

In addition differences in pricing can be observed depending on the time of daywith higher rates available during peak periods and lower rates available during off-peak hours.

Indeed, these significant differences between one public charging solution and another raise a number of issues, as highlighted in our article "The problem of public charging stations in France".

💡Good to know : most public charging stations require the use of a charging card for your electric vehicle. Beev offers a charging card that gives you access to over 300,000 charging stations across Europe, free of charge and commission.

EV on charge

How do you calculate the cost of a refill?

Electric vehicles are now an essential part of our daily mobility, but it's often difficult to work out exactly how much it will cost to recharge them. 

Little known to eco-mobilists, there's a simple calculation that can easily lift the veil on the obscure subject ofthe price of a recharge. With just a few key steps and a little information about your car and the price per kWh, you'll be able to get to the bottom of this obscure issue.

To assess the cost of recharging an electric vehicle, several factors need to be taken into account:

  • the price per kWh,
  • cost per distance travelled,
  • and the battery capacity of the electric vehicle.

This formula is as follows:

Cost of recharging = battery capacity × electricity rate

This method provides a basic cost estimate, enabling electric vehicle owners toevaluate the financial implications of recharging. It's a flexible calculation, adaptable to all electric vehicle models by adjusting the specific battery size and local tariff, offering a personalized view of potential recharging expenses.

Take the Peugeot e-208.

In France, the cost of recharging your Peugeot e-208 will depend mainly on 2 factors: 

  • the price per kWh of your electricity subscription,
  • and your electricity consumption (expressed in kWh/100 km).

To calculate recharging costs for a Peugeot e-208, we can apply the average electricity rate in France, which is around €0.18 per kWh. 


N.B. Please note that this rate may vary depending on your energy supplier, your place of residence and the time of day you choose to recharge your vehicle.

Using this average rate, the cost of fully charging the 50 kWh battery of a Peugeot e-208 would be as follows:

→ Cost to be invoiced = 50 kWh × €0.18/kWh

→ Cost of refill = 900 centimes

Converting the cents into euros, the total comes to approximately €9 for a full charge of a Peugeot e-208. 

To find out more about the average cost of a recharging session for an electric car, we invite you to read our article "How much does it cost to recharge an electric car?"

Our tips for optimizing your charging costs

Whether at home or at public charging stations, filling up your electric vehicle can quickly add up, especially with the recent rise in energy prices. 

Also read : The impact of rising electricity prices on my electric car

Here are a few tips to help you reduce your energy costs.

By adopting a few clever tricks, you can optimize your budget and ride with an even lighter mind. 

Compare prices and disconnect your electric vehicle as soon as possible

Recharging your electric vehicle doesn't have to be expensive, as long as you're an informed consumer. Here are two simple steps to take:

  • Compare charging station prices The cost per kWh can vary depending on the energy supplier and the type of charging station (private, public, fast). Mobile applications can help you find the most economical charging stations in your area.
  • Unplug your vehicle as soon as recharging is complete Some electricity contracts or public charging stations charge by connection time in addition to the kWh consumed. By disconnecting your car as soon as it's charged, you can avoid unnecessary costs.

Recharge at night if possible

Most energy suppliers offer "off-peak" tariffs off-peak" tariffs which generally apply at night and weekends. By recharging during these periods at your charging station, you can significantly reduce the cost per kWh compared with the peak hours of the day.

To make the most of it, program your remote recharging from your smartphone at night. Most modern charging stations and home wallboxes allow this functionality.

In addition electricity demand is lower at night for public charging stations. As a result, off-peak recharging helps to relieve the grid.

EV charger

Adopt eco-driving

By adopting eco-driving habits, you'll drive more intelligently and, in the long term, reduce your electricity consumption. All in all, you'll be driving for longer and needing fewer recharges.

Here are a few easy-to-use techniques:

  • Anticipate and ride smoothly It's essential to accelerate and brake gradually, avoiding jerking and sporting behavior.
  • Set your pace Speed, especially on freeways, considerably reduces your range, and you'll need to go to a recharging point more often.
  • Optimize the use of air conditioning and heating: These devices consume a lot of energy. That's why you need to use them sparingly, and open windows when the weather is warm.

In other words, drive zen and you'll maximize the range of your electric vehicle!

Choosing the right charging station for your electric car

This advice is aimed primarily at users of public charging stations. In fact, before using an outdoor charging station, it's essential to understand your vehicle's specificationsBefore using an external charging station, it's essential to understand your vehicle's specifications, in particular the power allowed by the internal charger. If you don't, you run the risk of using a higher wattage than that accepted by your electric car, resulting in a loss of power:

  • energy, 
  • time,
  • and money.

If your vehicle offers ultra-fast charging, reserve it for exceptional situations, such as long-distance journeys. Freeway charging rates are generally high.


Controlling the cost of recharging your electric vehicle is essential for effective financial management. By following the advice presented in this article, you can optimize and anticipate your energy expenses thanks to the simple calculation formula, and save money in the long run.

Whether it's choosing the right charging stations, adopting eco-driving practices or judiciously planning your recharges, every little gesture counts to maximize the efficiency of your electric drive. 

Image by Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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