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The best charging stations for professionals in 2024

The best charging stations for professionals in 2024

With therise of electric vehicles and today's ecological imperativesprofessionals are looking to equip themselves with charging stations adapted to their specific needs.


In 2024, the market offers a multitude of options, but how do you choose the best solution for your business or fleet? A well-selected charging station can not only improve the efficiency of your operationsbut also offer a competitive advantage in terms of environmental responsibility.


In this article, we'll explore the best charging stations for professionals in 2024, looking at their key features, benefits and selection criteria.

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The LOM law and the obligation to electrify the company fleet: a reminder

The transition to sustainable mobility is not limited to private individuals. Companies play a crucial role in this evolution, and the Mobility Orientation Law (LOM) now imposes specific specific obligations on business players.


In 2024, these measures are more topical than ever, directly impacting fleet management and recharging infrastructures. Understanding these obligations is essential if you are to comply with regulations while optimizing your commitment to the environment. 

Pollution and professional mobility: the ecological imperative

This law plays a central role in the importance of professional mobility. The transport sector alone consumes almost half of France's imported petroleum products. which, by 2022, will account for around 28% of France's trade deficit. It is also the only sector only sector whose emissions have not decreased since 1990.


Indeed, in 2023, the the transportation sector remains the main emitter of greenhouse gases in Franceaccounting for almost⅓ of national emissionsof which more than 50% of which are attributable to private cars (and nearly 70% including light commercial light commercial vehicles).

But that's not all: according to the report by the Think Tank headed by the consultancy Bearing Point, commuting commuting alone account for 12% of national transport-related greenhouse gas emissions.


Although reducing travel and adopting telecommuting can help reduce a company'scarbon footprint it is just as crucial to act at source by encouraging the use of low-emission vehicles.

What is the LOM law?

The National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) aims to total decarbonization of road transport by 2050with a 40% reduction in its emissions by 2030.


To meet its national and European commitments, and to reduce its dependence on imported fossil fuels, France must immediately implement all the levers needed to decarbonize mobility.


For this reason, the French government has introduced various legislative measures aimed at promote soft mobility within companies. The Mobility Orientation Act (LOM) has replaced the Loi d'Orientation des Transports Intérieurs (LOTI) in order to better integrate environmental issues, which are now unavoidable.


Published in the Journal Officiel on December 26, 2019, the Loi d'Orientation des Mobilités (LOM) aims toaccelerate the transition to sustainable mobility and thusachieve carbon-neutral transport by 2050.


With this in mind, Article 77 of the LOM law requires, as of 2022, that companies companies with more than 50 employees and a fleet of 100 vehicles or more must respect a quota of "clean vehicles" when renewing their corporate fleets.


For further information : Quotas for electric vehicles in company fleets


This concept should be clarified: according to Decree 2017-24, this refers to low-emission vehicles emitting less than 60 g/km of CO2.


This category includes only : 


At the same time, this legislation encourages companies to integrate environmentally-friendly technologies and practicesby installing charging stations.

A law not systematically respected

Against all expectations, according to the association Transport & Environment, ⅔ of companies are not complying with the obligation to integrate clean vehicles via purchase or professional leasing, and almost all of them fail to submit reports. Regarding short-term leasing, Avere-France stresses the need for adjustments.


Further information : Ecological transition: 60% of the 3,447 French companies concerned do not comply with the LOM law


As a result, a law proposal led by Damien Adammember of parliament for the "Renaissance" political party, aims to introduce a stricter framework with shorter implementation deadlines and stiff financial penalties for recalcitrant companies.


For more information : Bill to accelerate the greening of corporate fleets

Support for the installation of recharging points on company premises

To facilitate this transition and encourage professionals to align themselves with ecological imperatives and current legislation, a number of grants are available. 


As of June 30, 2023, the Advenir program has tightened its eligibility criteriafocusing solely on :


  • automotive services,
  • and short-term vehicle rental. 


In other words, since June 2023, projects tocharging stations accessible to the public in private parking lots are no longer eligible for by Advenir.

This measure aims to accelerate theadoption of electric mobility in strategic sectors in France.


For the automotive service professionalsthe premium varies according to the use of the recharging points:


  • For fleets and employees : coverage of 25% of costs, excluding taxup to €750 per recharging point.
  • For points open to the public a subsidy of 50% of costswith a ceiling ranging from €1,700 to €7,500, depending on power.


For short-term short-term rental companiesthe premium amounts to 20% of the cost excluding taxwith a limit of €600 per recharging point.


But that's not all: the program has been extended to include a subsidy covering 50% of the cost ofinstallation of truck-mounted charging stationswith ceilings ranging from €2,200 to €960,000depending on horsepower.


Please note Benefits in kind linked to the provision of electric vehicles and recharging solutions by the employer are extended until December 31, 2024. In other words, after this date, free recharging will no longer be available to employees in the workplace.

recharging point installation

Tax benefits of charging stations for professionals

In addition to direct subsidies, the installation of charging stations also brings tax benefits for businesses.


In fact, electric electric company vehicles provide a tax advantage for the employer as well as being a lever for attracting and retaining employees.

But that's not all: it's made even more attractive by the fact that these electric company cars benefit fromtax exemptions andspecific tax breaks, especially as thea charging station can be amortized in just one year..


For example, electricity electricity costs for vehicle recharging are not included in the calculation of the benefit in kindand a and a 50% deduction may be applied up to a 1,800 per year. This provision enables employees to avoid any increase in their tax rate. However, the calculation of this benefit varies according to whether the vehicle is purchased or leased by the company.


Similarly, for electric vehicles VAT on electricity is fully recoverable. What's more, companies benefit from a range of additional tax advantages, such as :


  • exemption from vehicle registration fees,
  • an attractive depreciation base of €30,000,
  • and exemption from Taxe sur les Véhicules de Société (TVS).

The best charging stations on the market in 2024 on the company's website

As you can see, the LOM law and the ecological transition make charging stations an essential part of your electric vehicle fleet. 

But with so much on offer, how do you choose the solution best suited to your needs?


In this section, we review the best charging stations for professionals in 2024 for business charging. We'll look at their features, power and suitability for different uses to help you make the best choice.

Alfen Eve Double Pro-Line

Alfen, a Dutch brand renowned for its quality, offers the charging station Alfen Eve Double Pro-Line. This advanced recharging solution is designed to meet the needs of businesses and public parking lots.


The charging capacity is adjustable from 3.7 kW to 22 kW in single-phase or three-phase modeallowing you to adapt the charging station to the available capacity of your electrical installation. This configuration is managed via the ICUsoftware, to limit overall instantaneous consumption and avoid tripping the circuit-breaker when all bollards are in use.

In addition, Alfen Eve Double Pro-Line charging stations are supplied with a wall-mounting kitoffering flexibility in the choice of installation within your company.


What's more, this terminal is equipped with a double socket. In other words, each socket automatically supplies all the power available from the terminal. If two vehicles are charged simultaneously, the power will be divided between them.


Compatible with all models of electric vehicles thanks to its type 2 socketThis CE and CE and ISO9001 certified certified safe recharging. Thanks to its IP54 protection rating and IK10the bollard is weatherproof and shockproofsuitable for both indoor and outdoor use. What's more, its fiberglass-reinforced composite cover resists impact and vandalism.


But that's not all: the Alfen Eve Double Pro-Line terminal features an integrated integrated type A differential circuit breaker protecting against :


  • overloads, 
  • short-circuits, 
  • and insulation faults.


Thanks to the integrated DC leakage current detector, there's no need to install a costly type B differential upstream.


But that's not all: this Alfen charging station is equipped with : 


  • a MID-certified energy meter
    • to legally re-invoice metered energy, in compliance with European directives.
  • a connectivity via 4G and Ethernet cable
  • a RFID card integrated,
    • to protect access to the terminal.
  • a GSM module and WLAN and LAN interfaces for radio communication,
    • that can be integrated with software compatible with the OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol).
  • a Plug & Play mode,
    • which automatically starts recharging as soon as a vehicle is connected via electric car recognition.
  • and a LED display multicolored, 
    • for displaying load status and total consumption at the end of the process.


The Alfen Eve Double Pro Line also offers a charging speed charging speed 10 times faster than a household socket. In other words, you're guaranteed to leave your workplace every evening with a full battery.

Wallbox Copper SB

wallbox copper sb beev

The Copper SB Wallbox has rapidly established itself as a benchmark in the field of charging stations for electric vehicles. 

Sound compact, elegant design conceals advanced technologyThis high-performance, practical charging solution is ideal for companies wishing to electrify their parking lots.


In terms of technical features, the Wallbox Copper SB is equipped with a universal type 2 socketsocket, enabling all electric vehicles compatible with this European standard to be recharged.

💡Did you know? : All electric vehicles are compatible with type 2 charging stations. If a charging station offers type 3: don't panic! All you need is a T2-T3 adapter.


This Wallbox offers configurable charging powerranging from 1.4 kW single-phase (i.e. 7 km per hour of charging) up to 22 kW three-phase (i.e. 100 km per hour of charging). This flexibility means that power can be adjusted to suit the available electrical installation, optimizing energy management. What's more, thecharging intensity can be adjusted at any time via the Wallbox.


This charging station is also equipped with a lockable front socket T2Stype lockable front-end socket, providing secure Mode 3 recharging for your electric vehicle. As a reminder, a obturator is a safety device preventing the accidental insertion of foreign bodies into the socket.


Good to know In France, regulations require that charging stations installed in public and private spaces be fitted with a shutter. This requirement is all the more crucial for businesses and condominiums wishing to offer recharging solutions to their employees.


It is lightweight, unobtrusive, robust (IK10 certification) and weatherproof (IP54). outdoor installation without the need for additional rain protection.


But the Wallbox Copper SB also offers a number of other features: 


  • RFID card,
  • Plug & Play,
  • Powerboost,
    • More commonly known as load shedderis a dynamic charging module system that balances the energy used to charge your electric vehicle with that available on the grid, to prevent fuses from blowing.
  • Integrated LED display,
  • Current setting from 6A to 32A via MyWallbox Business.


What's more, it is also compatible with OCPPprotocols, facilitating integration with load management software and enabling remote control for :


  • monitor terminal status, 
  • manage recharge sessions, 
  • and optimize the use of energy resources in real time.


However, it is important to note that this charging station will soon be replaced by the Wallbox Pulsar Socket Pro.


To consult : Which Wallbox Pulsar charging station should I choose to charge my electric vehicle?

Ecotap Duo Green

The charging station Ecotap Duo Green is distinguished by its advanced technical features and numerous options, making it an ideal ideal solution for businesses and local authorities looking for a high-performance, sustainable recharging infrastructure.


Featuring mode 3 charging capacity and 2 charging pointscharging points, this terminal is available in single-phase and three-phase versionsversions, with between 0 and 22 kW.


Thanks to its robust design and high-quality materials, the Ecotap Duo Green is designed to withstand :


  • to weatherproof (IP54 certification)
  • and vandalism (IK10 certification).


In other words, what makes it perfectly suited to outdoor installation, while guaranteeing exceptional durability.


The Ecotap Duo Green wall-mounted terminal comes with an integrated 4G SIM cardSIM card, offering complete remote management thanks to backend software compatible with the OCPP 1.6 JSON communication protocol.


This connectivity makes it possible to : 


  • configure time slots, 
  • limit load power, 
  • track charging sessions in real time, 
  • and even manage users with RFID cards.


What's more, it features dynamic dynamic charge distributionfeature, ensuring a balanced distribution of charging power between all vehicles connected to one of the network's charging stations.


Last but not least, the integrated LED display informs you of thecharge status and can be customized with the company logo, reinforcing brand image while offering a user-friendly interface.

Your installer at the best price

Would you like to install a charging station in your company?
Beev can help you find the right charging station and installer at the right price. 

Dazebox Home S


The charging station Dazebox home S offers full connectivity and a aesthetic design Made in Italy design, guaranteeing ease of use for all and harmonious harmonious integration into any environmentinterior or exterior. In fact, with its IK10 and IP55 protection certificationsprotection, it is designed to withstand all weather conditions, from rain to heat, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor installations.

This charging station is available in 2 versions: single-phase (7.4 kW) and three-phase (22 kW), allowing optimum adaptation to the user's power requirements.


But that's not all: thanks to Bluetoothand WiFi but also thanks to its Ethernetyou can :


  • update terminals, 
  • configure and monitor load parameters. 


In addition, theDaze application application lets you manage your Dazebox even without a connection, an essential feature for installations in underground parking lots.


The charging station also offers the following functions: 


  • Power Sharing 
    • to manage access and statistics for all connected terminals, an ideal solution for buildings or semi-public environments. 


  • Dynamic Power Manager
    • to optimize load balancing, guaranteeing efficient energy management. 


It should also be noted that the OCPP protocol protocol is also present, enabling access to various platforms for managing charging stations in public spaces, including the possibility of collecting payments for recharges. At the same time, you can link each recharging session to the application and control access to your Dazebox via the integrated integrated RFID reader.


Dazebox Home S is also equipped with a large Matrix Matrix LED display display that simplifies real-time monitoring of charging specifications, offering total transparency over the process. Its intuitive and comprehensive user interface enables precise control of charging parameters at all times.

Wallbox eM4

Available in 2 versions (Twin and Single) and with configurable charging power of up to 22 kWthe Wallbox eM4 Wallbox adapts to a wide range of user needs, from home recharging to recharging in company parking lots.


Equipped with 2 ABL type 2 charging sockets with shutter, it enables simultaneous charging of two electric vehicles. The fixed charging cables can be locked or unlocked at any time via the dedicated app.

Like its counterparts, this kiosk is equipped with an intuitive intuitive LED display which provides real-time information on the state of charge, but also features Plug & Charge Plug & Charge.


When it comes to safety, the eM4 Wallbox makes no compromises. It features advanced protection systems, including an integrated integrated current leakage detectorwhich eliminates the need for an expensive type B differential circuit breaker. But that's not all: thanks to its compliance with European standards and rigorous certifications (IP55 and IK10).


What's more, the eM4 Wallbox also offers the option of managing access to recharging via a RFID systemsystem to restrict use to authorized users. This feature is particularly useful in shared environments where several users need access to the charging station. At the same time, you can allocate static charging power to up to 100 charging pointsand 30 charge points for dynamic charging.

Smappee EV Wall Business

The wall-mounted terminal Smappee EV Wall Business, with sophisticated features features and design tailored to the needs of businessesfeatures flexible charging power, from 7.4 kW to 22 kW. This charging station is equipped with a T2 type and a tethered cable, also supplied, for optimum charging in mode 3.

In fact, this charging station is designed to offer a robust, intelligent recharging solutionideal for professional environments, as it is equipped with a connector for multiple installations.

What's more, with this Smappee charging station, you can reduce your electric fleet recharging costs by up to 50%. thanks to our intelligent charging stations.

To back this up, Smappee's artificial intelligence optimizes the use of the network's lowest tariffswhile taking advantage of solar forecasts and dynamic phase adjustment to maximize the use of free solar energy.


To consult : Solar panels for electric cars: maximize your energy efficiency


Beyond economic efficiency, Smappee offers : 


  • an integrated MID counter,
  • connectivity Ethernet,
  • a OCPP communication protocol 1.6 JSON COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL,
  • various payment options by QR-code or RFID,
  • or even overload protectioneliminating the risk of disconnection.

The best charging stations on the market in 2024 at employees' homes

Having reviewed the best charging stations on the market on the company's website, it's now time to present you with the best solutions for charging your electric vehicle at work.

Wallbox Pulsar Plus Socket

Visit Wallbox Pulsar Plus Socket is a compact wall-mounted charging stationwall-mounted charging station, specially designed to meet the needs of professionals looking to install a low-cost charging solution at home.


With a load capacity of up to up to 22 kW three-phaseThis is a major advantage for professionals with busy schedules.

One of the outstanding technical features of the Wallbox Pulsar Plus Socket is its no integrated cableThe Pulsar Plus Socket allows greater flexibility in installation, as it adapts to different types of cable. Its intelligent design includes an integrated shutterguaranteeing enhanced safety by preventing accidental contact with live parts.


This Wallbox offers advanced load management features such as : 


  • Eco-Smart
  • Power Boost, 
  • and Dynamic Power Sharing. 


These options ensure not only energy efficiency, but also simplified management when several vehicles are being charged.


In terms of connectivity, the Wallbox Pulsar Plus Socket is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologiestechnologies, enabling users to access themyWallboxmobile application, to manage and monitor their charging session.


This application offers an intuitive interface for : 


  • monitor energy consumption, 
  • plan recharges according to electricity rates,
  • and access detailed statistics to optimize consumption and reduce costs.


💡Good to know : You can download an Excel table of your energy consumption via myWallbox and send it to your company for reimbursement of recharging costs.

Alfen Eve Single S Line

alfen eve single s line

L'Alfen Eve Single S Line is an intelligent charging station designed for domestic use.


This charging station enables 5 times faster charging thanks to a maximum power of 11 kW and features dynamic charge managementwhich interacts with the Linky meter. What's more, it can be connected to the Internet via an Ethernetcable, offering reliable connectivity, but also via the optional 3G/4G as an option.

The terminal is also equipped with a type 2 socketEuropean standard, making it compatible with the majority of electric vehicles on the market.


But that's not all, thanks to its compatibility with OCPPusers can easily integrate the terminal into existing or future energy management systems.


Equipped with a luminous indicator, this Alfen can be wall-mounted or stand-mounted, offering a Plug & Play Plug & Play solution a integrated MID meter. It is available with a plug or cable, the latter designed for optimal storage.


Finally, the Eve Connect app lets you intelligently manage the activation and deactivation of home recharges. You can optimize your costs by scheduling recharges during off-peak hours or by harnessing solar power.

However, no no supervision system is integrated in this charging station.

Summary table of the best charging stations for professionals

To help you make an informed decision, we've put together a table summarizing the main technical features of charging stations for professionals. 

This table will help you choose the solution best suited to your needs and expectations.

Alfen Eve Double Pro-Line
3.7 kW to 22 kW
Type 2
4G, Ethernet
IP54, IK10
Wallbox Copper SB
1.4 kW to 22 kW
Type 2s
Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, 4G (optional)
IP54, IK10
Ecotap Duo Green
0 to 22 kW
Type 2s, EF socket
IP54, IK10
Dazebox Home S
7.4 kW to 22 kW
Type 2
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
IP55, IK10
Wallbox eM4
Up to 22 kW
Type 2
Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 4G
IP55, IK10
Smappee EV Wall Business
3.7 kW to 22 kW
Type 2 (optional shutter)
IP54, IK10
Wallbox Pulsar Plus Socket
7.4 kW or 22 kW
Type 2
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
IP55, IK10
Alfen Eve Single S Line
3.7 kW to 11 kW
Type 2
Ethernet, 3G/4G (optional)
IP55, IK10


As you can see, choosing the ideal charging station for your business requires a precise analysis of your needs. Charging power, intelligent features, multi-user management. Depending on the size of your fleet and your needs, there are several solutions to choose from.


To find out more and benefit from personalized advice, don't hesitate to contact our experts! Beev is with you every step of the way, from the initial audit to the installation and maintenance of your charging stations.


To consult : Maintenance of corporate charging stations: everything you need to know


What's more, if you'd like to benefit from free, high-performance, easy-to-use software to optimally manage your electric fleet, our fleet manager is just waiting for you.


Read more : Fleet management: how to choose your fleet management software?

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Image by Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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