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Accelerating the adoption of electric cars in the workplace: the power of partnerships

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With sales of electric cars on the rise, partnerships between companies, suppliers of electric electric vehicles and public institutions are a crucial lever for accelerating the energy transition. By investing in fleets of electric cars, they not only contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, but also strengthen their position as responsible and innovative players. In this article, find out how partnerships can facilitate the adoption of electric cars within companies. Tax benefits and innovative technologies will also be discussed.


Also read → How to promote electric mobility in the workplace?

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The importance of partnerships for the adoption of electric cars in the workplace

Partnerships between companies and electric car suppliers

In France, more and more companies are considering electrifying their vehicle fleets. To facilitate this transition, partnerships with electric car suppliers are flourishing. 

Working with manufacturers: a lever for the ecological transition

A striking example is the partnership between Renault and several major French companies (Total Energies, EDF, BNP Paribas, L'Oréal, Michelin). Renault offers tailor-made solutions for companies wishing to electrify their fleets, ranging from the supply of electric vehicles to the installation of charging stations and fleet management solutions. Thanks to these partnerships, companies can benefit not only from advantageous terms, but also from the technical and logistical support they need to make a success of their energy transition.

What are the benefits for companies?

Partnerships with electric car brands offer a number of advantages. For example, EDF has partnerships with companies like Amazon France to deploy electric fleets. These collaborations enable companies to benefit from :

  • Preferential rates: Manufacturers often offer exclusive deals for partner companies (discounts on vehicle prices, maintenance packages, etc.).
  • Technical expertise : Suppliers offer technical support for installation of charging infrastructures and fleet management.
  • Financing solutions : Leasing or financing options are often available, easing the initial investment.


According to a study carried out by the Observatoire du Véhicule d'Entreprise (OVE), in 2023, almost 20% of French companies plan to increase their electric vehicle fleet over the next two years. This trend is supported by initiatives such as the partnership between Peugeot and TotalEnergies to provide recharging solutions and electric vehicles tailored to the needs of businesses.

By partnering with electric car suppliers, French companies can accelerate their transition to sustainable mobility, while benefiting from comprehensive support to optimize their fleets. These partnerships are a key element in overcoming the challenges of electric vehicle adoption and maximizing the economic and environmental benefits.

Tax benefits and subsidies through public-private partnerships

The adoption of electric vehicles brings not only interesting partnerships, but also significant financial benefits. Companies can benefit from various tax incentives and subsidies that make the acquisition and maintenance of electric cars more affordable.

What are the tax benefits?

In France, the Finance Act for 2024 strengthened these incentives to promote an accelerated energy transition, notably the energy transition tax credit (CITE) tax credit up to 30% of the investment cost, exemption from the new TVS (annual tax on CO2 emissions from passenger vehicles and annual tax on atmospheric pollutant emissions) and accelerated amortization of the of electric vehicles.


In addition to tax benefits, a number of subsidies are available to alleviate the costs associated with adopting electric vehicles:




By 2023, this program had enabled the installation of over 1,000 charging stations, with financial assistance covering up to 70% of installation costs. These partnerships have doubled the number of charging stations available to businesses in certain rural and suburban areas.


Also read → The benefits of electric cars for SMEs

How can companies integrate electric cars into their fleets?

What are the steps involved in integrating electric cars into the company fleet?

1 - Assessing and planning needs

The first step in integrating electric cars into a corporate fleet is to assess the company's specific needs. This includes analyzing :

  • daily commutes, 
  • distances covered, 
  • vehicle usage profiles. 

This type of analysis has enabled major companies such as La Poste (over 10,000 electric vehicles deployed) to determine that the majority of its short-distance urban routes are perfectly suited to electrification. This well-targeted assessment enables the most suitable electric vehicles to be chosen, maximizing efficiency and reducing operating costs over the long term.

2 - Setting up recharging infrastructures

One of the main challenges in integrating electric vehicles is the provision of adequate recharging infrastructure. Companies need to invest in charging stations on their sites, and possibly in home charging solutions for employees. The presence of recharging infrastructures ensures constant vehicle availability and reduces the costs associated with using public recharging stations.

3 - Optimize purchasing and maintenance costs

Companies can reduce the purchase costs of electric vehicles by taking advantage of subsidies and tax incentives. What's more, maintenance costs for electric vehicles are generally lower than for internal combustion vehicles, due to fewer moving parts. Renault, for example, offers maintenance contracts tailored to electric vehicles, with savings of up to 30% compared with a combustion vehicle.

4 - Raising awareness and training employees

To ensure an effective transition, it is crucial to raise awareness and train employees in the use of electric vehicles. Training sessions on optimizing electric driving and recharging procedures can be organized. Training centers exist with training programs for employees to improve acceptance and effective use of electric vehicles in the company fleet. Well-trained employees are more inclined to adopt eco-responsible driving, maximizing vehicleautonomy and reducing operating costs.

What impact do electric cars have on reducing costs and emissions?

Savings on fuel and maintenance

The cost of electricity to recharge an electric vehicle is much lower than the cost of fuel: in France, the average cost of electricity is around €0.17/kWh. Charging an electric car with a 50 kWh battery, like the Renault Zoé e-Techwould therefore cost approximately €8.5, which would enable it to travel around 300 km. By comparison, a similar internal combustion vehicle consuming 6 liters per 100 km would require around €18 for the same distance, i.e. more than twice as much. What's more, since electric cars have fewer moving parts than conventional vehicles, they require less maintenance for components such as brakes and motors.

Reducing CO2 emissions

Electric vehicles emit no CO2 when in use. The use of an electric vehicle reduces CO2 emissions by around 2.5 tonnes per year for 20,000 km of use, compared with a diesel vehicle. A fleet of 50 electric vehicles comprising Peugeot e-208 could reduce annual CO2 emissions by 125 tonnes.

The use of renewable energies

Companies can also further reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources to recharge their electric vehicles. EDF offers green electricity contracts for businesses, guaranteeing that the energy used to recharge vehicles comes from renewable sources. 


Also read → Electric vehicle quotas in company fleets

The advantages for companies of working with technology partners

The impact of technological innovations on the adoption of electric vehicles

Thanks to partnerships with companies specializing in cutting-edge technologies, they help overcome the obstacles associated with infrastructure and fleet management, making electrification more accessible and efficient.

Technological innovation Description Impact on companies
Fast Recharge
Technology enabling electric vehicles to be recharged to 80% in less than 30 minutes. Ex: Tesla Superchargers, Ionity stations 350 kW.
- Reduced downtime - Route optimization 20% savings on recharging costs
Intelligent fleet management
Telemetry and recharge management solutions. e.g. Geotab, EVBox.
Real-time vehicle tracking Reduce fuel costs by 15 Optimized vehicle use and service life
Advanced batteries
Development of high-energy density batteries and semiconductors.
Increased autonomy Lower maintenance costs Ecological footprint reduced by 80%.

Competitive advantages for companies adopting green technologies

Improving brand image

French companies that adopt green technologies reinforce their brand image as responsible players. Carrefour is a good example, with its plan to achieve a 100% electric fleet by 2030. This green approach is also attracting the attention of ethical investors, concerned about the environmental impact of companies. Working with LG Chem, Renault also has an ambitious program to become carbon-neutral by 2040 in Europe. A strengthened brand image attracts loyal customers and increases brand value, offering a significant competitive advantage.

Access to new markets and customers

Companies that adopt green technologies attract a broader customer base, especially consumers and business partners who value sustainability. Air France has integrated electric vehicles for internal travel and passenger transport at its airports. This initiative has enabled Air France to attract a more environmentally conscious clientele, strengthening its position in the air transport market. For its part, L'Oréal has introduced a fleet of electric vehicles for its employees and logistics operations in France. In collaboration with partners such as Tesla for the vehicles and Schneider Electric for the recharging solutions.

Regulatory benefits

Companies that adopt green technologies benefit from improved compliance with ever-changing environmental regulations. In France, increasingly stringent regulations require companies to reduce their CO2 emissions. Companies in the Île-de-France region that adopt electric fleets can benefit from regional grants covering up to 50% of the cost of installing charging stations.


Also read → Electric cars: solutions to enhance your employer brand



Adopting electric vehicles through technology partnerships therefore enables French companies to significantly reduce their operating costs and increase their competitiveness in a global market worth tens of billions of euros. By 2024, more than half of French companies plan to electrify their fleets, illustrating a growing trend towards sustainability and innovation. Seizing this opportunity means staying at the forefront of the energy transition while making financial gains.

Picture of Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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