How to reduce your electricity bill this summer with smart recharging?

electric car bill

With the arrival of summer, Europe traditionally sees an increase in electricity consumption caused by high temperatures. In 2022, for example, despite an overall drop in energy demand, hot spells led to an increase in electricity consumption. an increase in electricity consumption in countries such as France, Italy and Spain. Intelligent charging of electric cars is therefore a strategic solution for reducing electricity bills.

By optimizing the timing of your vehicle's charging during off-peak hours, when demand on the power grid is lower and tariffs lower, you can not only save money, but also contribute to a more stable and environmentally-friendly power grid. 

Find out in this article how you can take advantage of smart charging to optimize your energy consumption this summer.


Also read → Reduce the energy consumption of an electric car, 8 tips

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Understanding intelligent recharging

What is smart charging?

Intelligent charging is a technological system designed to optimize the use of electrical energy when recharging electric vehicles. The system is based on interaction between the vehicle, the charger and the electrical network, enabling the battery to be recharged more efficiently and economically.

At the heart of intelligent charging is real-time communication between the charger and the electricity grid. Thanks to this connection, the charger can adjust the charging process according to fluctuations in electricity rates and the availability of renewable energy. For example, smart chargers are able to delay recharging until periods when electricity is cheaper and renewable sources more abundant, typically during night-time off-peak hours. This mechanism not only reduces the user's energy bill, but also helps balance overall demand on the grid, reducing pressure during peak consumption periods.

What's more, intelligent charging involves interaction with the electric vehicle itself. The electric car communicates its battery level and energy requirements to the charging station, which then adjusts the charge accordingly. This level of personalization ensures that the vehicle is always ready according to the user's needs, while maximizing energy efficiency.

What are the advantages of smart recharging?

Intelligent recharging of electric vehicles offers multiple benefits at different levels, both for consumers and for the overall electricity system.


Smart charging optimizes energy costs by charging electric vehicles during off-peak hours, when electricity rates are lower. This strategy can lead to a significant reduction in energy bills, with annual savings of up to up to €1,000 for long-distance drivers. In addition, the use of smart chargers can reduce charging costs by up to 40% by taking advantage of variable electricity tariffs. In addition, by reducing charging during peak periods, it avoids grid overloads, which can also prevent additional costs associated with high energy demand.


Intelligent charging systems are extremely easy to use. They enable users to program charging according to their own schedules, and ensure that the vehicle is charged just in time for its intended use, with no manual intervention required after initial configuration.

Environmental benefits

By shifting charging to times when renewable energy production is higher, smart charging contributes directly to reducing carbon emissions. This supports the use of cleaner energies such as solar or wind power during periods when they are more abundant and less expensive, thus reducing the overallcarbon footprint of electric vehicles.

Power system stability

Smart charging plays a crucial role in stabilizing the power grid by distributing demand more evenly. By avoiding consumption peaks, it helps maintain a stable energy flow and reduces the risk of overloads that might otherwise require costly investment in additional infrastructure.

Optimizing the use of renewable energies

The adaptability of smart recharging increases the integration of renewable energies into the grid by scheduling vehicle recharging during periods of optimal green energy production. This not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also supports the development of renewable energies by increasing their profitability and efficiency.


Also read → Smart charging: what is it?

How can I save with off-peak rates?

What are off-peak rates?

Off-peak tariffs are an attractive tariff offer for electric vehicle owners in France, enabling them to benefit from reduced charging costs during periods of low energy demand. These rates are particularly attractive during the summer, when energy-hungry appliances are in high use.

In France, scheduling charging during off-peak hours is facilitated by intelligent systems built into vehicles or available via dedicated apps, which can automatically start charging when the lowest tariffs are in force.

There are two types of off-peak times for charging electric cars in France:


  • from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
  • from 12 pm to 2 pmmay vary according to region and supplier

How can I take advantage of off-peak rates?

Taking full advantage of off-peak rates for charging your electric vehicle requires a few key steps, including installing smart meters and subscribing to suitable tariff plans.

Step 1: Check eligibility and sign up for an off-peak rate

Start by contacting your electricity supplier to check whether you are eligible for off-peak rates. These rates are particularly advantageous during periods of low consumption, usually at night. Subscribing to a specific tariff plan for electric vehicles may also offer additional reductions during these hours.

Step 2: Installing a smart meter

Installing a smart meter is essential to accurately track your electricity consumption and take full advantage of off-peak rates. These devices enable you to view your consumption in real time and adjust your habits to maximize savings. Many suppliers offer the installation of these meters, often at a reduced cost or at no extra charge for customers subscribing to certain tariff plans.

Step 3: Schedule your vehicle to charge

Use the automatic programming of your charging station or vehicle to take advantage of off-peak times. Most modern electric vehicles and intelligent charging systems allow you to program the start time of charging to take advantage of reduced rates without manual intervention.

Step 4: Monitor and adjust your consumption

Regularly monitor your energy consumption via the smart meter to adjust your habits if necessary. This can include changing your charging times to reflect rate changes or seasonal changes in off-peak hours.

Step 5: Evaluate savings and adjust the plan if necessary

After a few months, evaluate the savings achieved through these adjustments. If the savings are not as significant as expected, talk to your supplier to explore other options or plan adjustments that may better suit your usage.

So not only can you reduce your energy bill, you can also contribute to more sustainable energy management, by aligning your consumption with periods of lower demand on the power grid.

Also read → Optimizing electric car charging at home

What infrastructure and accessories are required?

Installation of smart charging stations

Smart charging stations not only offer faster recharging, but also include intelligent features to manage recharging efficiently and cost-effectively. There are three types: 


  • Level 1 charging stationsThese are the least expensive charging stations, using household current (120 V). They are supplied with the vehicle and require no installation.


  • Level 2 charging stationsUsing a higher voltage (240 V), they require professional installation. They offer much faster recharging and are ideal for home and business use.


  • Fast DC charging stations, mainly used in public charging stations, these terminals provide ultra-fast recharging.

Good to know

Before installing a Level 2 or DC terminal, an assessment by a qualified electrician is necessary to ensure that your home or workplace electrical system can safely handle the additional load.

Depending on your location, permits may be required before installing a charging station. Beev recommends that you check current regulations and ensure that the installation complies with safety standards.

Finally, the location of the charging station must be easily accessible for the vehicle and close to a power source. For home installations, a garage or driveway are typical locations. To take full advantage of intelligent functionality, a Wi-Fi or other form of Internet connectivity is often required. This enables charging to be controlled via various accessories, as developed below.

Accessories and complementary technologies

To optimize the use of charging stations for electric vehicles, a range of accessories and complementary technologies are essential. These tools enable more efficient management of charging and better monitoring of electricity consumption.

Smart meters
- allow users to track their electricity consumption. - They also facilitate access to dynamic tariffs.
Mobile charging management applications (ChargePoint or PlugShare)
- offer users the possibility of controlling and programming their vehicle's charging remotely. - can show current charging status, consumption history, and even locate available public charging stations.
Home energy management systems
- are used to connect and control several household appliances, including charging stations for electric vehicles. - optimize the home's energy consumption by automatically adjusting the load according to energy needs and current tariffs
Connectivity kits for charging stations
- allow remote management via mobile applications, and include Wi-Fi or GSM modules to connect the terminal to the Internet and make it compatible with energy management applications.
Integration with solar panels
- allows users to charge their vehicles with locally-generated renewable energy. This reduces dependence on grid power, minimizes energy costs and supports sustainable development initiatives.


By adopting smart charging and exploiting off-peak tariffs, electric vehicle owners can make significant savings while minimizing their environmental impact. The installation of technologies such as smart meters and adapted charging stations, complemented by the use of energy management applications, makes it possible to synchronize energy consumption with the most economical periods. In this way, these practices contribute to more sustainable and cost-effective energy management, in line with broader ecological objectives.

Image by Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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