Electric car driver training for employees: how does it work in 2024?

employee electrical training

The cost of fleet management costs are on the rise, and electric vehicles are a major strategic solution. This increase has also accelerated since the health crisis. The increase in sales of electric vehicles in France (up 16.1% in 2023 compared with 2022) also explains companies' desire to go electric. Companies are adopting clean vehicles to reduce their environmental impact.

What's more, legislation is evolving and new bonuses are being introduced. They encourage companies to speed up their transition to electric fleets. Electric car training for employees is therefore becoming essential. Thanks to new technologies, they can drive more safely and respectfully.

Find out more about the benefits of training your employees in electric driving, the details of effective training and the benefits for you and your employees. 

Also read → How to raise employee awareness of eco-driving?


Table of contents

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What are the advantages of training your employees in electric driving?

The adoption of eco-responsible driving offers many advantages to companies. The practice of being more cautious at the wheel helps to reduce the fuel consumption of these new types of vehicles, as well as their maintenance costs and environmental impact. It also contributes to driver safety.

Reduce your energy consumption

Training employees to drive cleanly is essential for any company wishing to reduce the fuel consumption of its vehicle fleet. There are several key points to bear in mind: 


Also read → Eco-driving: definition and how to practice it?

Help improve road safety

Improving road safety is also one of the benefits of training employees in eco-driving. Through training, drivers develop automatisms (anticipating road situations, maintaining safe distances, behaving more responsibly at the wheel). 

These skills may seem obvious, but they are different when driving a combustion-powered vehicle, especially when braking and accelerating. Making your employees aware of these reflexes will considerably reduce the risk of accidents.


Also read → How can electric cars improve employee safety?

Contribute to more sustainable mobility

Finally, it allows companies to make a full commitment to greener mobility. Good driving habits enable companies to prove that they are responsible, and reduce CO2 emissions and noise pollution. The company's brand image and corporate culture are further enhanced, a quality appreciated by customers and employees alike.


Also read → Electric cars boost your employer brand

How can you ensure that your employees are effectively trained in eco-driving?

Companies can call on their insurance companies or external training organizations. Some companies even opt for in-house training, with e-learning modules.

What is the training program?

Driver training for electric vehicles consists of two parts. A theoretical part that covers the basics and a practical part to apply this knowledge.

Theoretical part Practical information
Understanding electric cars: specifics, mechanics, battery, driving characteristics
Application of knowledge: driving on various courses
Eco-driving principles: traffic anticipation, optimal energy use, regenerative braking
Eco-responsible driving exercises: techniques for reducing energy consumption and increasingrange
Autonomy management: optimizing autonomy, route planning, managing environmental conditions
Practical exercises in autonomy management
Stress management and road safety
Simulation of stressful situations: learning to manage stress in difficult driving situations
Maintenance and upkeep: best practices to extend the life of your vehicle and its battery
Maintenance workshop: demonstrations and hands-on experience

What are the post-training objectives?

Training enables employees to become operational as quickly as possible. They will then be able to use them in an optimal, safe and environmentally-friendly way. The objectives are : 

  • efficiency: reducing fuel consumption and improving range,


  • improving road safety,


  • ecological responsibility: encouraging ecological awareness,


  • stress management and adaptation: reinforcing the ability to drive safely and efficiently,


  • in-depth technical knowledge: a better understanding of electric vehicles to improve their operation and maintenance,


  • practice and regular application: embedding eco-driving techniques in everyday life.

What to expect during training

It is advisable to have certain elements in place to guarantee your employees the best possible learning experience and to train them under the best conditions: 

  • a comfortable training area with video-projector, whiteboard and appropriate seating for participants,


  • manuals, guides and course materials for learning,


  • safety equipment (helmets and reflective vests) for the practical part of the training.


Please note that these elements will be supplied by the organization or company providing the electric vehicle training.

Good to know

Is the training given over a single day or several days?

The course generally lasts one week (Monday to Friday). The theoretical part takes place in the morning, while the practical part takes place in the afternoon.

What is the ideal number of participants for a successful training course?

It is recommended not to train more than 10 employees simultaneously to ensure an optimal experience for participants.

Is the training accessible to all?

The law no. 2014-288 of March 5, 2014 obliges companies to make training open to all, for example people with disabilities.

Does the training include assessments or proficiency tests?

Although not compulsory, some training organizations test employees to assess progress. A certificate or attendance certificate can be issued at the end of the course.

Does the training cover the latest technological innovations in electric vehicles?

Topics covered include advances in battery technology, charging systems, energy efficiency and assisted driving systems. They take the form of a section divided into several modules.

What are the long-term benefits for my employees?

Eco-driving training brings significant long-term benefits for employees, particularly in terms of environmental impact and reduced energy consumption.

The positive impact of electric driving on the environment

Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Responsible driving reduces the emission of CO2 and other polluting gases. Electric cars pollute less than combustion cars, but cleaner driving reduces the ecological footprint even further.

Also read → Thecarbon footprint of employee commuting

Contributing to better air quality

Ecological driving helps to improve air quality in large cities with heavy road traffic.

Also read → Electric cars: 63% less pollution

Promoting sustainable mobility

Employees actively participate in more sustainable and conscious mobility by adopting healthier driving habits.

Reducing Electric Vehicle Consumption

Energy savings

In the long term, what we've learned in our training courses will lead to better use of energy, with fewer recharges and greater vehicle autonomy.

Lower operating costs

Employees save a lot of money by reducing their energy consumption. This is particularly true for employees who use their company cars for personal travel.

Vehicle Life Extension

Proper training in driving an electric car reduces the risk of breakdowns (battery, braking system). This can only extend the vehicle's lifespan.

Electric car driver training is therefore a valuable and safe investment for the future.


Electric car driver training is essential for companies wishing to make their ecological transition. It facilitates the adoption of electric vehicles and enables the company to enjoy many long-term benefits. 

Investing in this kind of training now seems inevitable and a winning strategy. Ultimately, it represents an expense that perfectly meets both economic and CSR OBJECTIVES.

Image by Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

If you believe in the electrification of vehicles, you're already halfway towards your ecological transition. That's why I'm offering you some content on the electric vehicle environment.

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