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Electric car leasing for professionals: the essential guide

Electric car leasing for professionals the essential guide

More and more companies are turning to sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. These solutions include electric car leasing stands out as an economical economical and ecological alternative. The proof is in the professional leasing represents 63% of the market, according to a study conducted by Transport & Environment (T&E) in 2023.


Although this concept seems attractive, it also raises many questions for professionals: How do you choose between a long-term rental (LLD), medium-term leasing (LMD) and a Lease with Purchase Option (LOA) ? What are the fiscal and financial advantages of such a choice for your company? And above all, how can leasing contribute to your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ?


For further information : Taxation of electric cars in the workplace: the essential guide


As a decision-maker in your company, you are no doubt aware of the challenges you face: controlling costs, optimize management of your electric fleetwhile reinforcing youryour company's brand image through responsible practices. Electric vehicle leasing can be the ideal solution, but you need to understand all the subtleties to get the most out of it.


In this recap of our previously published articles, we explore in depth : 


  • the different types of leasing available to professionals, 
  • the positive impact they can have on your CSR strategy, 
  • financial advantages not to be overlooked, 
  • as well as practical advice on how to make the transition to an electric fleet a success. 


Whether you're a growing SME or a large company looking to renew your fleet, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the keys you need to make an informed choice.

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The different types of electric car leasing for companies

Long-term rental

LLD, or Location Longue Durée, is a leasing contract extending from 1 to 5 yearsoffering a fixed rental charge including services such as :


  • maintenance, 
  • assistance,
  • and a financial loss guarantee. 


At the end of the contract, the lessee the lessee may return the vehicle or purchase it by negotiating a buy-back price with the lessor.. This model differs from a Lease with Purchase Option (LOA) in that the buy-back price is not fixed from the outset.


With the growing adoption of electric cars, leasing is becoming an increasingly attractive increasingly attractive option. Indeed, this type of financing is particularly attractive to companies, who see it as an opportunity to electrify their fleets.

Find out more, 50,579 electric vehicles would be leased within a companyrepresenting 9% of the market in 2023according to a study by Sesamlld.


The cost of leasing depends on various factors such as : 


  • mileage, 
  • the price of the vehicle, 
  • the duration of the contract, 
  • and included services.


What's more, there are many advantages to leasing an electric car: 


  • budget control thanks to fixed rents, 
  • the flexibility to test-drive a vehicle before considering a purchase,
  • and the possibility of regularly upgrading to a newer model.

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At the same time, SMEs and VSEs can benefit from a number of tax advantages by opting for the leasing of electric vehicles.
These include exemption from the Taxe sur les Véhicules de Société (TVS) for vehicles emitting less than 60 g/km of CO2.


This type of financing, considered as an expense rather than an investment, also improves :


  • visit capital management
  • and debt ratio.


What's more ensures the regular renewal of vehicles, guaranteeing guaranteeing optimum performance and reinforcing the company's brand image.


In addition, the French government offers a number of financial incentives to encourage the transition to electric mobility, such as the conversion premium. This aid, which can be combined with other local schemes, facilitates access to electric vehicles for companies. 


In addition, the ADEME Green Loan offers financial support for energy transition projects by SMEs and VSEswith loans of up to 1 million euros.

Similarly, as an SME (or any other type of business), it's crucial to adopt effective strategies to optimize your cash preservation. 


The first step is to optimize the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of your vehicle fleet.


TCO, which encompasses all the costs associated with owning a vehicleallows you to to proactively manage expenses taking into account changes in regulations, technology and business needs.


Rigorous TCO management helps to : 


  • identify the park's real costs, 
  • assess the return on investment, 
  • and determine the right times to renew vehicles. 


Monitoring the energy consumption of electric vehicles is also essential.

By choosing fuel-efficient vehicles and driving smoothlyyou can reduce your energy costs, especially with the recent rise in electricity prices. The use of eco" mode on electric vehicles can also contribute to substantial savings.


By opting for a long-term lease (LLD), you can avoid additional expenses such as : 


  • repairs,
  • resale costs, 
  • and company car tax, as these charges are covered by the lessor. 


This option provides better control over cash flow while reducing vehicle purchase and maintenance costs.


Last but not least, electric vehicles offer fuel savingsdespite rising electricity costs. Charging vehicles during off-peak hours can mitigate these costs, offering an opportunity to save even more..

In accounting terms, company cars company cars are recorded on the balance sheet at their actual on the basis of their actual acquisition cost, including :


  • purchase price, 
  • transportation costs, 
  • accessories, less discounts. 


Due to their depreciation, these vehicles vehicles are depreciated as fixed assets. Leased passenger cars also benefit from a depreciation allowance, but with specific ceilings.


Depreciation is calculated by deducting the non-deductible depreciation ceiling from the financial value of the vehicle and dividing the result by the depreciation period. Financial value includes : 


  • options, 
  • list price, 
  • transport and delivery costs, after deduction of discounts. 


Depreciation of vehicles are depreciated on a straight-line basis over 4 or 5 yearswith rates of 20% or 25% per year.


For companies subject to VAT, this tax is recoverable tax is recoverable from commercial vehicle rentals, but not for passenger cars.. Fuel is also eligible for full VAT recovery for electric vehicles and certain other types of fuel, except for petrol.


In fact, the government encourages the use of clean vehicles through tax measures such as : 


  • non-deductible depreciation ceilings,
  • and tax exemptions for low-polluting vehicles. 


Electric vehicles benefit from full or partial exemptions from the tax on the use of passenger vehicles for economic purposes

What is possible when acquiring a long-term leasing contract is to contract renewalwhich implies a a new agreement with a new vehicle. On the other hand extension simply extends the duration of the existing contractsubject to agreement between the parties.


The extension process requires a the mileage and duration of the long as the original conditions are respected. To avoid complications, we recommend that you apply for an extension 3 to 4 months before the end of the contract..


If extension is not possible, there are alternatives, such as : 


  • returning the vehicle 
  • or switch to a medium-term lease (LMD)
    • it offers greater flexibility, with contracts ranging from 1 to 24 months, 
    • it includes services such as maintenance and assistance,
    • it is useful for professionals awaiting delivery of their vehicle.


Finally, to avoid pitfalls when extending your contract, it is crucial to respect the clauses of the contract, in particular the mileageand to ensure that the vehicle is in good condition before returning it.

Careful attention to these details will enable you to prolong the use of your vehicle without further complications, while awaiting delivery of the new model.

As a reminder, financial risks are also minimized with leasing: 


  • no initial contribution, 
  • possibility of surrender at contract maturity, 
  • and includes maintenance and support services, facilitating frequent fleet renewal.


Some models stand out in the long-term leasing market for their performanceperformance rangesand advanced advanced technologiesto meet a wide range of user needs.

Here are just a few examples: 



The growing popularity of these electric vehicles in corporate fleets is due to increased confidence in their reliabilitytheir qualityandcontinuous improvement in rangemaking them an emerging industry standard.

Medium-term rental

Medium-term leasing (LMD), a renewable a renewable lease of 1 to 24 monthsoffers an between long-term and short-term leasing.. However, this flexibility comes at a higher costjustified by the short leasing period and the and the lessor's efforts to re-lease the vehicle after your use..

This makes LMD an ideal temporary solutionFor example, to bridge the gap between two leasing contracts, or to meet specific needs such as a long business trip.


The LMD offers many advantages, including : 


  • great flexibility 
  • and peace of mind thanks to included insurance, 
    • such as the anti-theft warranty, 
    • all-risk insurance, 
    • and 24-hour assistance. 


It's essential to understand the distinctions between the various types of financing. The LMD, unlike the LOA or LLD, does not allow you to buy back the vehicle at the end of the contractIt does, however, include insurance and maintenance, making it an all-inclusive formula.

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In fact, LMD stands out for its flexibility offers companies the possibility of leasing rent without any initial capital outlay or additional rentwhile benefiting from included services such as upkeep, insurance and maintenance.


What's more, it adapts to the specific needs of companies, allowing them to choose : 


  • the vehicle, 
  • the duration of the contract, 
  • monthly mileage, 
  • and the possibility of renewing or changing formula at the end of the contract.

By opting for LMD, companies can not only control their budgets thanks to fixed monthly paymentsbut also strengthen their commitment to the environment.

Lease to own

Lease to own (LOA) allows companies to lease a vehicle for a period of period of 2 to 5 yearswith the option of buying it at the end of the contract or returning it.


Naturally, the cost of an LOA varies according to : 


  • mileage,
  • of the vehicle price, 
  • the duration of the contract, 
  • services included, 
  • and the vehicle's residual value.


Good to know To subscribe to a leasing offer, different documents are required, depending on whether you are an individual or a company.


Please note that termination of a LOA contract is possiblebut penalties may apply.


However, there are alternatives for avoiding these costs, such as early purchase of the vehicle or transfer of the contract.or transferring the contract..


Finally, the choice between LOA, LMD (medium-term leasing) and LLD (long-term leasing) depends on the lessee's specific needssuch as annual mileage or flexibility.

LOA remains an advantageous option for those who want to try out electric mobility while benefiting from attractive financial conditions.

The question ofpurchasing an electric vehicle for private or professional use is a subject that needs to be addressed.


The financial assistance available varies according to the buyer's status. For individuals, the can be up to €7,000, depending on incomewhile companies can benefit from local subsidiessuch as the 6,000 in the Île-de-France region.

The conversion bonuswhich encourages the replacement of old, polluting vehicles, offers up to 6,000 for individualswhile companies receive a fixed fixed amount of €2,500.


In terms of taxation, companies have a significant advantage. They can : 


  • benefit fromtax exemptions,
  • depreciate the vehicle up to €30,000,
  • and benefit from free or partial registration in certain regions.


In addition, if the company makes a vehicle available to an employee, a a 50% deduction is applied to the benefit in kindmaking this option financially attractive.


As each situation is unique, it is essential to analyze these parameters to make the most appropriate choice.

Leasing electric cars as a CSR lever

In fact, leasing electric cars is an advantageous solution solution for companies wishing to renew or electrify their fleet without the financial constraints associated with purchase.


What's more, this type of leasing the latest models, while avoiding depreciation and high maintenance costs. But that's not all: leasing offers :


  • a financial flexibility, 
    • with monthly payments often lower than loan repayments
  • and allows you to benefit from the latest technological innovations.


By choosing this option, companies reinforce their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), helping to carbon footprint and a healthier environment. What's more, electric vehicles, which emit no exhaust fumes, fit in perfectly with global climate objectives, notably those of the Paris Agreement.


For employees, access to electric cars can improve employee satisfactionthrough more pleasant more pleasant commutes and tax benefitswhile reinforcing their sense of working for an environmentally-friendly company.

What you need to know about electric vehicle leasing for businesses

Before taking out an electric car lease, it's essential to understand the financial, contractual and legal aspects. 


First of all, as explained above, it is important to know that the cost of monthly cost of monthly payments depends on :


  • of the model, 
  • the duration of the contract,
  • of annual mileage, 
  • and maintenance costs, 


On the other hand, the security depositusually generally between 10 and 20% of the vehicle pricecan be refunded under certain conditions. It's also worth noting that maintenance costs are often lower than for a combustion-powered vehiclebecause of the simplicity of the electrical components.


In the third stage, the contract durationranging from 24 to 72 monthsinfluences :


  • monthly instalments 
  • and total cost amortization. 


What's more, choosing a adapted to your usage is important is important to avoid extra costs. The cancellation conditionsare generally restrictive, and include indemnities and strict requirements concerning vehicle condition and mileage.


We would also like to highlight the existence of the manufacturer's warranty, protecting against manufacturing defects, with possible extensions.


But that's not all supplementary insurance can cover specific damage, such as that caused by recharging. When it comes to insurance, several types of cover are availablecovering various aspects such as :


  • flight, 
  • assistance,
  • glass breakage, 
  • and all-accident damage, 


Electric car leasing offers a number of tax advantages in France, includingexemption from TVS and the deductibility of lease payments from professional income.

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The most important thing to know when leasing an electric car is the return of the leased vehicle. returning a leased vehicle.

Whether it's an LOA or a LLD, it's essential to know the ins and outs in order to to avoid unexpected costswhich, according to JSL, average €800.


For a smooth transition, it is crucial : 


  • return the vehicle in good condition,
  • respect the return date of the vehicle, 
  • and monitor mileage overruns to avoid penalties,

Before returning the vehicle a thorough cleaning of the vehicle is recommendedideally by a professional. It is also advisable to and repair minor damage to avoid the higher costs imposed by leasing agencies. leasing agencies.


Finally, make sure you to hand over all administrative documentssuch as the maintenance booklet and proof of insurance, to ensure a smooth return. At the end of this procedure, a will be drawn up, detailing anydetailing any charges to be paid.

In addition to the above, the costs associated costs associated with leasing are not limited to monthly payments. In fact, there are a number of additional costs to consider, such as :


  • recharge costs,
  • vehicle transfer costs,
  • all-risk insurance costs, 
  • and disposal costs at the end of the contract.


Although leasing remains particularly advantageous for companies wishing to regularly update their fleet with the latest electric models, constraints do exist, such as : 


  • mileage limits, 
  • the obligation to take out costly insurance, 
  • and potential restoration costs at the end of the contract. 

As for the end of a leasing contract for an electric car in France, this is governed by is governed by strict regulationsmainly under the French Civil Code and Consumer Code.


It is essential to respect the return date stipulated in the contract and to plan ahead: 


  • redeem, 
  • return, 
  • or renew the lease. 


Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the tenant's needs and financial situation.


Renewing a lease allows you to benefit from the latest innovations without any acquisition costs.whereas buying back buy-back confers ownership of the vehicle but implies the assumption of future maintenance costs..


The choice between these options should be guided by a careful careful assessment of the condition of the vehicle and the marketas well as a careful consideration of long-term needs. Selling the vehicle to a private individual, while potentially more profitable, also entails risks.

To take things a step further, we offer lease transfer which allows you to break a car leasing contract early, whether for a LOA or a LLD.


This option, which consists of assigning the contract to a new buyeris often more advantageous than other alternatives, as it avoids heavy financial penalties. Contrary to popular belief, terminating a leasing contract termination of a leasing contract is simplereven if it may be motivated by personal, professional, economic or legal reasons.

If the lessee is unable to pay the monthly installments the leasing company may terminate the contract without the lessee's consent, resulting in the return of the vehicle..


Please note the 14-day cooling-off period after signing the contract gives you a little leeway to reconsider your decision.


As for the LOA, this type of contract is appreciated for the possibility of acquiring the vehicle at the end of the contract. However, the termination options are costly. Returning the vehicle early requires full payment of the remaining monthly instalments.whileearly purchase or resale can be financially disadvantageous. financially disadvantageous.


All in all, leasing transfer remains the most economical solution.

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Electric vehicle leasing for businesses: our advice

When buying an electric car, it's essential to carefully insurance to avoid high costs.


As explained abovemaintenance of these vehicles is generally less costly than that of combustion-powered vehicles despite the substantial initial investment, thus reducing the cost of insurance.


That said, there are a number of special features to be taken into account, such as : 


  • assistance in the event of power failure,
  • or recharge damage coverage.


The tend to be less expensive than those for internal combustion than those for combustion-powered vehicles, as these cars are often used for shorter journeys and are therefore less likely to be involved in serious accidents.


However, the price of insurance varies according to the model and value of the vehicle. For example, an SUV like the BMW iX2 eDrive20 is more expensive to insure than a city car like the Renault Twingo E-Tech.


To reduce the cost of your insurance, it is advisable to define your precise needs before choosing coverage. Using a car insurance to find the best offer for your specific needs.


What's more, the driver's risk profileexperience experience and type of journeys made also play a fundamental role in negotiating the rate. Careful driving and use limited to short journeys can lower the cost of insurance.


Please note For those who don't drive much, a per-kilometre insurance policy can be advantageous.


It's also possible It is also possible to revise your insurance according to your changing needs or the value of your reduce the coverage and therefore the cost of your contract.

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When leasing a fleet of electric cars for your company, certain mistakes are common and could damage your investment. Here are a few tips to help you avoid unpleasant surprises.


The first step is to carefully compare offers from different service providersThe conditions, rates and services included vary widely.


It is equally important to carefully read each clause of the leasing contract. Ignoring certain conditions could expose you to unexpected costs or significant limitations. In this context, calling on the services of a leasing professional can prove invaluable in helping you navigate the various offers and avoid potential pitfalls.


A common mistake is to underestimate annual mileageThis can lead to costly penalties if the limits are exceeded. Similarly, rigorous maintenance of the vehicle throughout the term of the contract is essential to avoid repair costs on return.

Among the mistakes to avoid when taking out a leasing contract, not using a professional can be problematic. There are several criteria are essential in choosing the most suitable leasing company.


First of all, check the range of vehicles available to make sure the model you want is available.


Next, please examine the terms and conditions of the contract make sure it's transparent, with clear details on :


  • duration, 
  • rents, 
  • authorized mileage 
  • and cancellation conditions. 


The company's reputation is also fundamental A reliable company offers good customer service and transparent pricing, and its customer reviews can provide valuable information on service quality.


Finally, when it comes to comparing leasing options, there are 2 main types available: LLD and LOA. 


As a reminder, long-term leasing is often recommended for users who wish to avoid the hassle of resale and benefit from included maintenance, while leasing may be preferable for those who drive little and may wish to buy the vehicle at the end of the contract.

For companies considering leasing a fleet of electric vehicles, cost is a major concern. cost is a major concern. Despite the advantages of electric cars, such as lower operating and maintenance costs, additional additional costs can be a deterrent.


Before making a choice, it's essential to audit your company's needs in order to select the most suitable models in terms of autonomy and equipment requirements.

In addition, proper good driver training on the specifics of electric vehicles and regular preventive regular preventive maintenance are also crucial to optimizing costs.

Finally, using tracking technologies to analyze data and manage the fleet helps maximize efficiency and reduce costs.

Indeed, obtaining financing for an electric vehicle can be complex, and sometimes applications are turned down for a variety of reasons.


For professionals, there are a number of factors that can stand in the way of obtaining a leasing offer, such as : 


  • its seniority, 
  • the company's financial health, 
  • and compliance with vehicle operating conditions. 


In addition, young have to prove their solvency with projected balance sheets and financial stability. Companies that have received public funding must also demonstrate their long-term investment capacity.


Applications for funding must be accompanied by specific documents, depending on the type of applicant. In the case of companies, financial financial accounts and articles of association.


Additional requirements apply depending on the investment value and type of application.


As a result, preparing your application well, providing proof of creditworthiness and complying with specific conditions will maximize your chances of obtaining financing for an electric vehicle. 

This is because obtaining a leasing contract can be difficult for young companiesespecially if they only have a recent balance sheet and their finances are still unstable. Financing organizations prefer companies that have been in business for at least 2-3 years, in order to assess their solvency.


For start-ups that don't meet the criteria for a leasing contract, the LMD is an alternative because it does not require a balance sheet, which simplifies access for new companies.


In conclusion, electric car leasing represents a valuable valuable opportunity for professionals integrating environmentally-friendly vehicles into their fleets, while preserving their financial flexibility.

In addition to contribute to the energy transition andimprove your CSRyou benefit from a turnkey solution and a range of tax advantages.

Whether you're considering a leasing, leasing or leasing contract, these solutions can be adapted to your company's specific needs, while respecting your budget.


To maximize the benefits of this approach, it is essential to understand : 


  • eligibility criteria,
  • the necessary documents,
  • and the terms and conditions of each leasing option. 


That's why we encourage you to explore our other blog posts, where we delve deeper into these topics and much more, to offer you a comprehensive overview and practical advice tailored to your business situation.


Beev has positioned itself as a strategic partner in this field. With our expertise in electric vehicles and our tailor-made leasing solutions, we can help you choose the formula best suited to your needs and optimize your investment. optimize your investment.

Our advisors are there to offer you personalized support and guide you through the process. 


Together, let's move your business towards more sustainable and efficient mobility.

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Image by Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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