Malus écologique 2024: the new official scale of the car malus

The automotive landscape is constantly evolving, with increasing attention being paid to the environmental impact of vehicles. In this context, the ecological malus remains an essential lever for encouraging the transition to more environmentally-friendly modes of transport.

At the start of 2024, the automobile malus will undergo a major update with the introduction of a new official scale. This change is part of a drive to encourage motorists to opt for vehicles that emit less CO2. 

As part of the Finance Bill for 2024, the Government is once again stepping up measures to accelerate the ecological transition. From January 1, 2024, the trigger threshold will be set at 118 g/km of CO2, resulting in the application of a €50 malus, while the maximum ceiling will be raised to €60,000.

Let's take a closer look at the contours of this new device, its implications for consumers and its role in the ongoing quest for more sustainable mobility.

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The main changes to the environmental penalty in 2024

The introduction of a 118g CO2/km threshold represents a crucial step in environmental policy for new vehicles in France. This threshold means that vehicles emitting above this limit will be subject to an ecological malus, an additional tax at the time of purchase. 

With the recent reduction in this threshold, from 123 to 118 g/km in 2024, a greater number of vehicles are now concerned, marking a significant shift in incentives towards more environmentally-friendly automotive choices.

Trigger threshold set at 118 g CO2/km

A trigger threshold set at 118 g CO2/km means that new vehicles whose CO2 emissions exceed 118 g/km are subject to an ecological penalty. This penalty is a tax added to the purchase price of the vehicle.

The threshold for triggering the ecological penalty has been from 123 to 118 g/km in 2024. This means that more vehicles are now subject to the malus, including some that were previously exempt.

For example, a car emitting 125g of CO2/km was previously exempt from the penalty. In 2024, this same car will be subject to a 50-euro penalty.

The aim of lowering the threshold is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the French car fleet. By making the most polluting vehicles more expensive, the government hopes to encourage potential buyers to opt for more fuel-efficient vehicles.

The maximum ecological penalty is now €60,000

The maximum malus ceiling is now 60,000 euroseffective from 194 g/km (WLTP) up from 50,000 euros in 2023. Malus amounts, which are proportional to CO2 emissions, have risen significantly, sometimes doubling or even tripling.

Contrary to expectations, diesel vehicles, which initially seemed to be targeted by this new scale, are in the end spared severe penalties because they consume less fuel than petrol vehicles.

The ecological penalty is paid when the vehicle is registered. When issuing the vehicle registration document, you need to take into account the engine power and the tax on fiscal horsepower. It is advisable to check whether any reductions or exemptions from the malus are applicable to your case during this administrative procedure.

Weight penalty: more severe in 2024

Malus écologique 2024: the official scale

Emissions (g/km of CO2) Malus 2023 (in €) Malus 2024 (in €)
118 0 50
119 0 75
120 0 100
121 0 125
122 0 150
123 50 170
124 75 190
125 100 210
126 125 230
127 150 240
128 170 260
129 190 280
130 210 310
131 230 330
132 240 360
133 260 400
134 280 450
135 310 540
136 330 650
137 360 740
138 400 818
139 450 898
140 540 983
141 650 1 074
142 740 1 172
143 818 1 276
144 898 1 386
145 983 1 504
146 1 074 1 629
147 1 172 1 761
148 1 276 1 901
149 1 386 2 049
150 1 504 2 049
151 1 629 2 370
152 1 761 2 544
153 1 901 2 726
154 2 049 2 918
155 2 049 3 119
156 2 370 3 331
157 2 544 3 552
158 2 726 3 784
159 2 918 4 026
160 3 119 4 279
161 3 331 4 543
162 3 552 4 818
163 3 784 5 105
164 4 026 5 404
165 4 279 5 715
166 4 543 6 126
167 4 818 6 537
168 5 105 7 248
169 5 404 7 959
170 5 715 8 770
171 6 039 9 681
172 6 375 10 692
173 6 724 11 803
174 7 086 13 014
175 7 462 14 325
176 7 851 15 736
177 8 254 17 247
178 8 671 18 858
179 9 103 20 569
180 9 550 22 380
181 10 011 24 291
182 10 488 26 302
183 10 980 28 413
184 11 488 30 624
185 12 012 32 935
186 12 552 35 346
187 13 109 37 857
188 13 682 40 468
189 14 273 43 179
190 14 881 45 990
191 15 506 48 901
192 16 149 51 912
193 16 810 55 023
194 17 490 60 000
195 18 188 60 000
196 18 905 60 000
197 19 641 60 000
198 20 396 60 000
199 21 171 60 000
200 21 966 60 000
201 22 781 60 000
202 23 616 60 000
203 24 472 60 000
204 25 349 60 000
205 26 247 60 000
206 27 166 60 000
207 28 107 60 000
208 29 070 60 000
209 30 056 60 000
210 31 063 60 000
211 32 094 60 000
212 33 147 60 000
213 34 224 60 000
214 35 324 60 000
215 36 447 60 000
216 37 595 60 000
217 38 767 60 000
218 39 964 60 000
219 41 185 60 000
220 42 431 60 000
221 43 703 60 000
222 45 000 60 000
223 46 323 60 000
224 47 672 60 000
225 49 047 60 000
> 226 50 000 60 000

Vehicle weight: new limit for the malus

Since January 1, 2022, a weight-based malus has been applied to new vehicles, whether gasoline or diesel, weighing more than 1,800 kg. In 2024, the threshold for application of this tax will be lowered to 1,600 kg. The aim of this measure is to encourage manufacturers to produce lighter vehicles, thereby reducing CO2 emissions and atmospheric pollutants.

The weight-based penalty scale will also be modified in 2024. From now on, it will be graduated according to excess kilos. To calculate the cost of this tax, add 10 euros per kilo for vehicles weighing between 1,600 kg and 1,799 kg, 15 euros per kilo for vehicles weighing between 1,800 kg and 1,899 kg, and 20 euros per kilo for vehicles weighing over 1,900 kg.

In practice, this measure will apply to a larger number of vehicles in 2024. In 2022, only 2.5% of new vehicles sold in France weighed more than 1,800 kg. By 2024, however, this proportion is set to rise to 10%.

This measure has been criticized by some automotive professionals, who believe it will penalize family cars and commercial vehicles. They argue that these vehicles are often heavier because of their size or function.

Nevertheless, the government is defending the measure as necessary to reduce CO2 and air pollutant emissions.

2024 weight penalty scale

Fraction of operating weight (kg) Marginal rate (€)
Up to $1,599
From 1,600 to 1,799
From 1,800 to 1,899
From 1,900 to 1,999
From 2,000 to 2,100
From 2,100

Large families: reduced environmental penalty

In France, the "malus écologique" is an annual tax applied to new or used vehicles whose CO2 emissions exceed a certain threshold. The amount of the tax is calculated on the basis of the vehicle's CO2 emissions, its power rating and its purchase price.

Large families, i.e. families with at least 3 or more dependent childrencan benefit from a reduction in the ecological penalty. This reduction is 20 g/km per child, or 1 fiscal horsepower (hp) per child.


To benefit from this discount, families must meet the following conditions:


The reduction is applied to the amount of the ecological penalty. For example, if a vehicle's CO2 emissions are 140 g/km, the penalty is 500 euros. If the family has 3 children, the reduction will be 60 g/km, i.e. a reduction of 300 euros (60 g/km x 50 euros/gkm).


The reduction in the ecological penalty for large families is a measure designed to support families with many children. It reduces the cost of buying a new or used vehicle for these families, who often need larger vehicles to transport their children.


In summary, the recent changes to the ecological malus in 2024 encourage the transition to less CO2-emitting vehicles by lowering the trigger threshold to 118 g/km and raising the maximum ceiling to €60,000. 

The new weight-based penalty, with a threshold lowered to 1,600 kg, is designed to encourage the production of lighter vehicles. 

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