What is the economic impact of electric charging stations on tourism?

tourism charging point

In 2023, France reached an important milestone in electric mobility by achieving the target of 100,000 electric charging points a crucial step in supporting the transition to more sustainable mobility. This development not only marks a turning point in the adoption of electric vehiclesbut also raises questions about its impact on various sectors, including tourism.

In this article, we'll explore how electric charging infrastructure is influencing the tourism economy, highlighting the prospects for more sustainable tourism, tourism innovation driven by electric mobility, and the potential for sustainable tourism development through these innovations. As sustainable tourism becomes a priority, understanding the economic impact of electric charging stations on tourism is essential for decision-makers, investors and industry professionals. Finally, discover how these infrastructures are shaping the future of tourism and contributing to a greener, more sustainable environment.

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Electric charging stations: a pillar of sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism and electric mobility

Sustainable tourism, which aims to minimize negative impacts on the environment while promoting local economic development, has found a major ally in electric mobility. Indeed, the rise of electric mobility represents a revolution in the way we think about travel, particularly in the tourism sector, where thecarbon footprint of transport is a growing concern.

Integrating electric mobility into sustainable tourism

The deployment of electric vehicles, such as the Tesla Model 3the Volkswagen ID.4 or the Renault Zoé e-Techoffers travelers low-emission travel options, significantly reducing the environmental impact associated with tourism. This transition to cleaner modes of transport is perfectly in line with the objective of sustainable tourism, which seeks to reconcile exploration and respect for nature.

What electric mobility initiatives are underway in the tourism sector?


  • Many tourist destinations now offer electric vehicle rental services, enabling visitors to discover sites of interest while adhering to the principles of sustainable tourism.


  • Charging station networks: the expansion of electric charging station networks, like the European initiative to install one million charging points by 2025, makes long-distance travel easier and encourages tourists to opt for this greener alternative.


  • Some tour operators are incorporating electric vehicles into their tour offerings, highlighting itineraries designed to minimize carbon footprints and enhance local natural and cultural heritage.


These initiatives show how electric mobility can contribute to the development of more responsible and sustainable tourism. By reducing dependence on fossil fuels and cutting CO2 emissions, the tourism sector can move towards a future where travel rhymes with preservation.

Also read → Sustainable mobility, challenges and solutions

Electrical infrastructure: a challenge and an opportunity

Infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles represents both a major challenge and a considerable opportunity for sustainable tourism. France's ambitious goal of developing a complete and accessible charging infrastructure throughout the country bears witness to the government's determination to support the ecological transition in the transport sector, including tourism.

What are the challenges ahead?

There are a number of challenges involved in setting up an efficient recharging infrastructure for electric vehicles. It is important to ensure that charging points are evenly distributed throughout the country, including rural and tourist areas, to guarantee accessibility for all users.

Adapting the power of charging stations is essential to provide users with fast recharging solutions, which are essential for long journeys, typically during tourist periods. Last but not least, ensuring that charging stations are compatible with different models of electric vehicle is essential to enable as many tourists as possible to benefit from these infrastructures. To this end, the legislative and regulatory framework plays a key role, with the Electric Charging Infrastructure Deployment Plan providing financial incentives to encourage the installation of charging stations open to the public.

What are the opportunities?

The expansion of the electric charging infrastructure opens up new prospects for sustainable tourism, thanks in particular to : 

  • attracting a new clientele: tourists using electric vehicles are likely to prefer destinations equipped with charging stations, generating new economic opportunities for the regions.


  • Promoting eco-tourism: the installation of electric charging stations at tourist sites is part of a drive to promote sustainable tourism and environmental protection, a marketing argument increasingly sought after by travelers.


  • Enhancing the brand image of destinations: by adopting an advanced recharging infrastructure, tourist destinations can reinforce their brand image as being at the cutting edge of innovation and sustainability.

Île-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, with 5,184 and 4,882 charging stations respectively, are examples of well-equipped regions, supporting environmentally-friendly travel and attracting visitors concerned about their carbon footprint.

In addition, measures such as decree no. 2022-1330 of October 17, 2022 on the use of renewable energy in transport.


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Economic impact on the tourism sector

Tourist attraction and innovation

The presence of electric charging stations is becoming a major asset for tourist regions such as the Chamonix valley and Cap d'Agde Méditerranée, promoting sustainable mobility and attracting a new visitor profile.

The Chamonix valley: an example of successful integration

The Chamonix valley, known for its breathtaking scenery and mountain activities, has equipped itself with new electric recharging stations, making the destination even more attractive to eco-responsible tourists. These initiatives demonstrate the region's commitment to sustainable tourism and electric mobility, contributing to its attractiveness as a tourist destination.

Cap d'Agde Méditerranée: combining vacations and ecomobility

Similarly, the Cap d'Agde Méditerranée area offers a variety of recharging options for electromobile visitors, underlining the importance of easy access to recharging stations in holidaymaker satisfaction. Accommodations equipped with recharging stations are particularly sought-after, attesting to the fact that recharging infrastructure has become a criterion of choice for travelers.

Innovation and additional income for accommodations

The integration of charging stations not only benefits tourists, but also the establishments that welcome them. The installation of charging stations in B&Bs, restaurants restaurantsrestaurants hotels and campsites benefit from increased visibility on platforms dedicated to electric vehicle drivers, such as ChargeMap or EVHotels.

This visibility can translate into increased bookings. What's more, charging for the use of kiosks can represent an additional source of revenue for these establishments.

Also read → How to recharge your electric car at a public charging station?

Sustainable tourism development and economic spin-offs

Sustainable tourism development represents a balanced approach between economic, environmental and social needs, ensuring the long-term viability of the sector. This strategy not only preserves resources for future generations, but also generates substantial economic benefits for local communities, regions and countries as a whole.

What are the positive economic impacts?

Sustainable tourism, as a growing sector, makes a significant contribution to the global economy. By adopting sustainable practices, tourist destinations can not only reduce their ecological footprint, but also enhance their attractiveness, resulting in increased visitor numbers and, consequently, economic benefits for the region. These practices include efficient management of natural resources, environmental protection, and offering authentic experiences that respect local cultures.

From recent studies by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have highlighted the growing importance of sustainable tourism and its potential to stimulate economic growth. For example, implementing sustainable tourism practices can make a significant contribution to the local economy, not only by creating jobs, but also by supporting local businesses. What's more, the development of sustainable tourism infrastructure, such as eco-friendly accommodation and green transport, is attracting a growing segment of environmentally conscious tourists, thereby boosting the local economy.

However, the effective implementation of sustainable tourism poses certain challenges, particularly in terms of initial funding for ecological infrastructure and raising awareness of the importance of such practices. Nevertheless, the long-term benefits, both economic and environmental, far outweigh these initial obstacles. In addition, government policies and private initiatives play a crucial role in promoting sustainable tourism, by providing financial incentives and raising awareness of its benefits.

Sustainable tourism is not just a trend, but a necessity to ensure the long-term viability of the tourism sector and its economic benefits. It offers a unique opportunity to reconcile economic growth and environmental preservation for tourist destinations worldwide.


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Challenges and prospects for electric mobility and sustainable development in tourism

Integrating artificial intelligence for automation

The integration of artificial intelligence in the electric mobility sector is helping to automate processes, refine routes and maximize the use of charging stations. AI helps identify optimal periods for charging and discharging electric vehicles (EVs) in vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications, improving battery management and road safety through advanced driver assistance systems.

Initiatives to support the transition to electric mobility

In France, several noteworthy initiatives are supporting the transition to electric mobility, contributing to sustainable development in tourism and beyond. These include the EV100 France projectaims to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission electric vehicles by mobilizing companies around actions addressed to the French government. The project includes the organization of workshops and forums to share knowledge and experience and consolidate a consensual approach to the challenges of electromobility for businesses. These meetings also provide an opportunity to draw up concrete messages and demands to be passed on to the public authorities to stimulate political ambition and the automotive market in favor of electromobility.

V2X solutions

V2X solutions enable electric cars to transfer their excess energy to grids, buildings, homes and other energy-consuming destinations. This concept improves the performance, stability and reliability of the electrical grid, especially during peaks in energy demand. V2X technology also includes applications such as vehicle-to-home (V2H) and vehicle-to-building (V2B), which supply residential and commercial structures with electricity.

Charging stations

Optimizing charging times and managing the use of electric fleets are key to reducing costs and environmental impact. Modern platforms offer solutions for monitoring battery health and optimizing energy use, transforming electric vehicles into storage devices for a sustainable power grid.


The installation of electric charging stations in tourist areas therefore represents a significant turning point in promoting sustainable tourism and attracting a new eco-responsible clientele. By increasing accessibility for electric vehicles, these infrastructures encourage less polluting travel practices, contributing to a positive image of destinations and stimulating the local economy. In this way, they are positioned as a strategic investment in the sustainable development of tourism, in line with today's environmental requirements.

Image by Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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