Installation of public charging stations for local authorities and administrations

public authorities

The transition to more sustainable mobility is underway, and local authorities are playing a crucial role in this change. The installation of public charging stations for electric vehicles is becoming a priority to support the growth of electric mobility and promote sustainable development. By offering accessible recharging solutions, local authorities are contributing not only to reducing CO2 emissions, but also to improving their citizens' quality of life. This movement is essential to meeting the objectives of energy transition and regional planning.

In this article, we explore the many advantages of of installing public charging stationsand the various financial incentives available to local authorities. Whether you're a town hall, a community of communes or a public administration, find out how you can transform your territory into a key player in electric mobility.

Also read → What changes will there be in 2024 for aid to install terminals in businesses?

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Why install charging stations in local authorities?

Environmental and economic benefits

Reducing CO2 emissions

The installation of electric vehicle charging stations in local authorities has a significant impact on the environment. By facilitating the adoption of electric vehicles, these infrastructures contribute directly to reducing CO2 emissions. On average, an electric vehicle emits 2 to 3 times less CO2 than a combustion-powered vehicle over its entire life cycle.


In France, the transport sector is responsible for almost 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. By encouraging the use of electric vehicles through accessible charging stations, local authorities can substantially reduce these emissions. For example, the installation of 100 charging stations can prevent the emission of over 500 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Promoting sustainable mobility

Public charging stations are a key element in promoting sustainable mobility. By offering convenient recharging solutions, communities encourage citizens to opt for electric vehicles, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels. This shift encourages more rational and sustainable use of local energy resources.

Economic benefits for communities

Investing in electric vehicle charging infrastructure also has economic benefits for local authorities. Firstly, these charging stations attract a new category of visitors and tourists, which can boost the local economy. Municipalities that invest in charging stations see an increase in local economic activity of between 5% and 10%.

In addition, local authorities can benefit from various grants and subsidies for the installation of these infrastructures. The ADVENIRprogram, for example, offers subsidies covering up to 50% of the cost of installing charging stations. These subsidies make the initial investment more affordable, and save communities money in the long term.

Contributing to energy independence

By increasing the number of electric vehicles on the road, local authorities are helping to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. This transition to electric mobility is part of the national energy transition strategy, which aims to increase the use of renewable energies and strengthen France's energy independence.

The installation of charging stations for electric vehicles in local authorities therefore offers numerous environmental and economic advantages. By reducing CO2 emissions, promoting sustainable mobility and stimulating the local economy, these infrastructures play an essential role in the energy transition and sustainable development of local areas.

Attractiveness and customer service

The installation of charging stations for electric vehicles in local authorities is an essential service to meet the growing expectations of citizens in terms of sustainable mobility, enhancement of the territory and expected public service: 

  • Easier travelBy offering public charging stations, local authorities make it easy for their citizens to recharge their electric vehicles.


  • Encouraging the adoption of electric vehiclesThe easier it is to recharge an electric vehicle, the more likely people are to buy one.


  • Image of innovationCities equipped with charging stations are perceived as more modern, which can attract new residents and investors.


  • Increased economic activityElectric vehicle charging stations attract electric vehicle users to the area, increasing traffic to local businesses and tourist attractions.


  • Business attractionWhen communities offer this service, they can attract innovative companies and create local jobs.


Read also => Installing a recharging point on your premises: opportunities and financial assistance available

Key steps for installing charging stations

Planning and feasibility study

It's essential to start with an accurate assessment of the demand for charging stations. This assessment must take into account the current and future number of electric vehicles in the area. One charging point for every 10 electric vehicles is recommended. Charging stations should be installed in strategic locations (town centers, shopping areas, public parking lots, close to public transport). Good geographical distribution is essential to maximize the use of charging points. European guidelines recommend a coherent network to ensure easy access for all users. 

Before installation, it is crucial to check the capacity of the existing electrical infrastructure to support the charging stations. This includes an analysis of the site's distribution networks and electrical installation. A thorough technical study can also determine whether upgrades or modifications are required. Establishing an accurate budget is fundamental. Costs include : 


  • purchase of terminals,
  • terminal installation, 
  • electrical connection work, 
  • maintenance costs. 

Local authorities have to choose between different charging station options, including slow (less than 22 kW), fast (up to 50 kW), or ultra-fast (more than 50 kW) charging stations. The choice will depend on the intended use and frequency of use.

Finally, it's important to engage local stakeholders, including businesses, residents and network operators. Active consultation ensures that projects meet local needs and enjoy community support.

Terminal installation and management

Modern charging stations are often equipped with remote management systems that enable real-time monitoring of their operation. These systems facilitate preventive maintenance and enable rapid fault diagnosis. They also offer functionalities such as charging session management and integration with online payment systems. To ensure the durability of infrastructures, it is essential to put in place a regular maintenance plan (periodic inspections, software updates, repair and/or replacement of faulty equipment).

When it comes to user and service management, communities need to provide effective customer service to assist users of charging stations. This can include telephone support, user guides available on-site or online, and mobile applications to locate available charging stations. Good customer service improves the user experience and encourages the adoption of electric mobility. Bollard management also includes defining a pricing policy. Communities can choose to charge per kWh, per duration of use, or offer charging free of charge to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles. A well-defined pricing policy helps to cover maintenance and operating costs, while offering an attractive service to users.

Financing and support for the installation of charging stations

The Advenir program

The Advenir program, crucial for supporting the installation of electric vehicle charging stations in France, is evolving in 2024. These changes bring new opportunities for companies, while reflecting the country's energy transition objectives. 


From June 30, 2023, the Advenir program has tightened its eligibility criteria, now focusing exclusively on automotive services and short-term vehicle rental companies. This decision targets key sectors for accelerating the adoption of electric mobility in France: 


For automotive service professionals, the amount of the premium varies according to the use of the charging points:


  • For fleets and employees: coverage of 25% of pre-tax costs, capped at €750 per recharging point.
  • For points open to the public: a subsidy of 50% of costs, with a ceiling ranging from €1,700 to €7,500 depending on power.
  • For short-term rental companies, the subsidy represents 20% of the cost excluding tax, limited to €600 per recharging point.


In addition, the program has been extended to include a subsidy for the installation of charging stations for heavy goods vehicles, covering 50% of costs, with a ceiling ranging from €2,200 to €960,000 depending on power. In addition, the benefits in kind linked to the provision of electric vehicles and charging stations by the employer have been extended until December 31, 2024.

The end of the program Charging point open to the public in a private parking lot

The "Charging point open to the public in private parking lots" program will no longer be maintained in 2024. As of June 30, 2023, projects for the installation of recharging points open to the general public in private parking lots will no longer be supported by Advenir, and any premium applications not signed by this date will not be covered by the program.

Public-private partnerships

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a crucial role in the financing and installation of charging stations for electric vehicles. These collaborations enable resources to be pooled, risks to be shared and the deployment of the necessary infrastructure to be accelerated. 

What are the advantages of public-private partnerships?

  • Cost-sharing PPPs enable the costs of installing and maintaining charging stations to be shared between local authorities and private companies.
  • Access to technical expertise: private companies contribute their technical expertise and experience in managing complex projects.
  • Faster completion times: Thanks to the flexibility and efficiency of the private sector, charging station projects can be rolled out more quickly.

Notable examples of public-private partnerships include the collaboration between the City of Paris and TotalEnergies to deploy over 2,300 charging points, where TotalEnergies manages maintenance and Paris facilitates authorizations. Greater Lyon has also established a partnership with EDF to develop a dense network of charging stations, with EDF providing technical expertise and the metropolis supplying the sites. Finally, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region and Enedis have collaborated to install charging stations in rural areas, with Enedis providing the connection and the region financing the project, thus reducing disparities in access to charging.


The installation of public charging stations is essential to support electric mobility and the energy transition. By investing in these infrastructures, local authorities improve the quality of life of their citizens and enhance the value of their territory. Public-private partnerships enable costs to be shared and projects to be accelerated. The market for charging stations in France has grown significantly, demonstrating the growing importance of these initiatives. Careful planning and efficient management are therefore crucial to success.

Would you like to install a charging station?
Image by Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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