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Solar panel insurance: everything you need to know

All you need to know about solar panel insurance

With the rise of renewable energies, more and more households and businesses are investing in solar panels.

Althoughecological and economical in the long termthey represent a investment that deserves to be protected. Faced with the vagaries of the weather, breakdowns or accidents, choosing the right insurance becomes essential to guarantee the durability of your investment..

But how do you choose the best insurance to guarantee the safety of your installation? What types of cover are available, and what criteria need to be taken into account?


In this article, we'll explore the different solar panel insurance options, helping you make an informed choice to protect your installation.

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Why take out insurance for your solar panels? Is it mandatory?

Investing in photovoltaic panels is a sustainable and economically advantageous in the long term. in the long term. Although not systematically required, taking out insurance for your solar panels is a prudent precautionary measure.


For a brief background, thephotovoltaic effect refers to the physical phenomenon whereby a photovoltaic solar cell generates an electric current when exposed to sunlight. This phenomenon occurs when photons from the sun's rays interact with a photovoltaic panel.


Further information : Solar panels for electric cars: maximize your energy efficiency


In fact, solar panels now comply with current standards, such as those defined by the guide UTE C15-712-1 concerning low-voltage electrical installations. What's more, given the significant cost of a solar panel, we strongly recommend that you strongly recommended to take out insurance.


Insurance can cover a variety of risks, from natural disasters to acts of vandalismvandalism breakdowns or overheating.


💡Did you know? : Although the risks associated with a photovoltaic panel are relatively low, they are by no means non-existent. According to a survey conducted in 2022, 124 incidents of panel fires in Germany, out of around 1.4 million installations. Other incidents are also possible, such as water damage water damage caused by roof infiltration or electrocution.


In short, insuring your solar panels means protect your investment and give you peace of mind. In the event of a claim, you won't be left to bear the cost of repair or replacement, or the cost of the installer's intervention.

Criteria for choosing photovoltaic panel insurance

When it comes to choosing insurance for your photovoltaic panels, a number of criteria need to be taken into account to guarantee optimum protection. Here are the main aspects to consider when making an informed choice: 


  • Coverage Solar panels damaged by hail, wind or snow? Your insurance should cover the damage. Also check whether theft, fire and civil liability are included.
  • Deductible amount The deductible is the amount you have to pay in the event of a claim. The higher the deductible, the lower your insurance premium.
  • The insurer's reputation Don't hesitate to compare the offers of several insurers and check their online reputation.
  • Coverage exclusions Some insurers may limit coverage depending on the nature of the damage or the conditions under which the panels are installed. Check these points carefully to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • The tax rating of your installation Some insurance companies base the cost of premiums on the power rating of your installation.
  • Taking loss of production into account Consider taking out insurance to cover the loss of income resulting from a loss of production from your solar panels.


By taking these criteria into account, you'll be able to choose an insurance policy tailored to your needs and guarantee optimum protection for your photovoltaic system, while minimizing the financial risks.

The different types of insurance for solar panels

There are various insurance options for solar panels, with differing levels of coverage. In fact, we have :


  • liability insurance,
  • comprehensive home insurance,
  • and the installer's ten-year insurance.


So it's a good idea to compare insurers' offers to select the coverage that best suits your needs and budget. 


💡Good to know : A private individual who installs his solar panels himself can insure them, even if he hasn't used a professional.

Liability insurance

Third-party liability insurance protects the insured in the event of damage caused to a third partyto a third party, whether a person or property, in connection with the use of your solar installations.

Unlike comprehensive home insurance, which mainly covers damage to your own property, third-party liability insurance covers damage to third parties.


In fact, if an incident involving your solar panels causes damage to a neighbor or passer-by, liability insurance may cover the cost of repairs or compensation.. Here are a few concrete examples of situations where this coverage could be useful:


  • Personal injury If a poorly-fixed solar panel comes loose and injures a passer-by or neighbor, liability insurance will cover medical expenses, compensation or possible legal action.
  • Property damage Property damage: If, for example, a damaged solar panel causes a fire that spreads to your neighbor's property, liability insurance will step in to cover repairs and damage caused.
  • Impact on infrastructure In the event of a falling panel damaging public facilities, such as a power line or neighboring roof, your liability insurance could also protect you by covering the cost of restoration.


It is imperative to make this essential point clear: taking out third-party liability insurance is to sell your electricity to an energy supplier.. Proof will be required when you finalize the contract to connect your photovoltaic system to the public grid.

solar panel

Comprehensive home insurance

Comprehensive home insurance, one of the most common most common solutions for protecting your solar panelsis an all-in-one insurance contract that covers a wide range of risks related to your home, including :


  • property damage, 
  • civil liability, 
  • and sometimes special installations such as solar panels. 


That said, when you take out comprehensive home insurance, it's important to check that solar panels are covered. 


Here are the main elements that this insurance can include:


  • Property damage Property damage: Comprehensive home insurance generally covers damage to solar panels caused by events such as storms, hail or fire. This coverage allows you to repair or replace damaged panels without having to pay the full cost out of your own pocket.
  • Theft and vandalism In the event of theft or vandalism, this insurance can provide financial protection for your solar panels. Make sure that cover specifically includes these risks to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • Third-party liability : Multi-risk home insurance often includes civil liability coverage, which covers damage caused to third parties by solar installations. For example, if a panel becomes detached and causes material damage or bodily injury to others, this coverage may come into play.


There are several advantages to taking out comprehensive home insurance for your solar panels. First of all, it can be more economical than specific insurance policies, as it combines several types of coverage in a single contract. What's more, this solution is practical because it integrates solar panel protection into your overall home insurance packagesimplifying the management of insurance policies.

Insurance specific to photovoltaic panels

In addition to basic coverage, other clauses specific to solar photovoltaic installations can also be included in your comprehensive home insurance policy: 

  • replacement cost coverage 
      • in the event of a claim, compensation is based on the replacement value of the equipment, rather than its residual value.
  • Machine breakdown cover
      • covers the cost of repairing or replacing the system's technical components
  • Damage guarantee
    • compulsory when photovoltaic panels are integrated into a building, this insurance complements the biennial warranty.


💡What is the biennial warranty ? As solar installers are responsible for this, it guarantees defects that may affect detachable elements of a solar installation for a period of 2 years after completion of the work.

  • Property damage coverage
      • covers material damage to your photovoltaic system
  • Electrical damage warranty
      • protects against damage resulting from power surges, short circuits or other electrical incidents
  • Solar panel business interruption warranty
    • compensates for loss of income due to production stoppage following a claim 

Decennial insurance

Ten-year insurance is a for professional solar panel installers. It protects the owner for a period of ten years after completion of the work against damage that could compromise :


  • sturdiness, 
  • sealing, 
  • or system operation. 


This insurance protects the owner in the event of faulty workmanship or hidden defects affecting the panels' performance or durability. For example, if poor panel installation leads to water infiltration or electrical malfunctions, ten-year insurance will cover repairs.


As a solar owner of solar panelsyou are not required to take out ten-year insurance. However, check that your home insurance covers your solar panels in the event of damage. This gives you added security in the event of a dispute or problem arising after installation.

Good practices to follow in the event of damage to your photovoltaic panels

As previously stated, photovoltaic panels are a robust robust equipmentdesigned to withstand the elements and last for decades. However, unforeseen events can damage your installation, such as :


  • the hail,
  • from storms,
  • or technical incidents.


In such situations, it is essential to to react quickly and appropriately to limit the financial and technical consequences.


As soon as you notice a claim, it is imperative to notify your insurance company. If your solar panels are covered by comprehensive or special insurance, you may be entitled to compensation for repairs or replacement.


💡Good to know : It is important to consider the deductiblewhich is the amount you'll have to pay in the event of a claim before the insurance will pay out. This amount is generally between 100 and €500depending on the contract and the insurer.


Therefore, provide all the necessary documents for the claim, such as photos of the damage and an expert's reportto facilitate the processing of your claim.


Please note Please note the your insurance contract to declare a claim.generally between 5 and 10 days. Respecting these deadlines guarantees that your claim will be handled quickly.


Once the damage has been assessed, it is essential to to call in an RGE-certified installer (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement) installer to repair or replace defective panels. This guarantees not only the quality of repairsquality, but also compliance with current standardsThis may be required by your insurer to maintain coverage for your installation.


Once repairs have been completed, take preventive to prevent further damage.. Here are a few tips:


  • Regular checks on panel anchoring,
  • Regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly,
  • And annual inspections to detect any signs of deterioration.
solar panel installation

What price can I expect for photovoltaic panel insurance?

If you decide to include solar panel coverage in your comprehensive homeowner's policypolicy, expect an increase of around €40 per year over your current premium.


On the other hand, if you choose a specific insurance policy for photovoltaic panels, the annual rate will generally be between €50 and €150..


Naturally, insurance rates for photovoltaic panels differ according to the insurer and various criteria, such as :


  • the chosen insurer,
  • power in kWp,
  • the number of panels installed,
  • as well as the guarantees already included in your current contract.


💡Good to know : The energy delivered by the solar panels can recharge your electric vehicle via your charging station.


Please note that you are entitled to a number of grants for the purchase of solar panels. Our article on the subject may be of interest to you: Photovoltaic panel installation: list of regional grants

Insurance policies covering photovoltaic panels

In France, several insurers have positioned themselves in the photovoltaic panel insurance market, offering increasingly specialized products. 


Here is an overview of the main companies offering insurance for your solar installations:


  • AXA
  • Luko
  • MAIF
  • Allianz
  • Groupama
  • Pacifica (Crédit Agricole)


Don't hesitate to request quotes from several insurers to compare offers and find the solution best suited to your needs!


Taking out insurance for your photovoltaic panels is an essential step to protect your investment and ensure its longevity..


Whether you opt for comprehensive home insurance or specific coverage for solar installations, it's important to important to compare offers from different insurers..


Groupama, MAIF, AXA, Pacifica and Allianz are among the leading major players offering insurance tailored to photovoltaic panelswith cover and options to meet the varied needs of private individuals and professionals alike.


Need advice? Do you want to invest for the future and ensure your electrical independence? Our experts Beev experts are available to help you with your project.

Image by Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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