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Top 7 questions to ask when moving your charging station

Moving charging station

Moving can be a stressful time, but when it comes to moving your electric vehicle charging pointthe questions multiply. This article will guide you through the seven essential questions to ask yourself to ensure a hassle-free move of your charging station. We'll cover topics such as whether it's a good idea to uninstall your current charging station, which professionals to contact, best practices for installation in your new home, and the legal and financial implications. Whether you're a tenant, a condominium owner, or simply curious about the steps involved, this guide is for you.

You'll also find practical advice and essential information to help you start the process with peace of mind. From assessing the benefits of moving your terminal to understanding the financial aid available, and including specific procedures for co-ownerships, each section will answer your questions.

Also read → Charging stations and courtesy: 7 reflexes to adopt

Table of contents

Is it worth uninstalling my charging point at my future home?

Moving a charging station may seem complicated, but is it really worth doing? There are several factors to consider before making this decision.

If you've recently installed a charging station and invested in a quality installation, it may make economic sense to relocate it rather than buy a new one. This may be particularly relevant if you have benefited from financial assistance for the initial installation, such as the ADVENIR bonus for recharging infrastructure. In addition, by moving your current charging station, you retain the same equipment and charging parameters to which you're accustomed. This can simplify your transition to your new home and avoid the adjustments required for new equipment.

However, as we'll see below, it's important to bear in mind that uninstalling a charging station requires the intervention of a professional to ensure that the operation is carried out safely and in compliance with standards. The costs associated with this operation, and with reinstallation in the new home, can be significant. Before moving your charging station, we therefore recommend that you check whether the new home is compatible with the infrastructure required for a charging station. This includes the state of the electricity network and the availability of a suitable location for the charging station.

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Who can uninstall my charging station?

Uninstalling a charging station requires the intervention of qualified professionals. 

Why call in a qualified professional?

Uninstalling a charging station involves complex electrical manipulations. Only IRVE-qualified electrician qualified electrician is qualified to carry out this work in complete safety. This qualification guarantees that the professional has received specific training and has mastered the standards in force, in particular standard NF C 15-100 applicable to domestic electrical installations.


Who can uninstall your charging station?

  • The initial electrician: The first professional to contact is often the one who installed the bollard. He already knows the specifics of the installation and will be able to carry out the de-installation in compliance with all safety standards.


  • The IRVE-qualified electrician: If you can't call on the original installer, look for an IRVE-qualified electrician. These professionals are specially trained to handle charging infrastructures and ensure safe and compliant de-installation.


  • Visit specialized companies: There are also companies specializing in the management of charging stations, offering comprehensive services from feasibility studies to installation and maintenance.


Also read → Guide to home charging station installation

Where should I place the charging point in my new home?

Proximity to the terminal

The charging station should be positioned close to your parking space to minimize cable length, thus reducing energy loss and the risk of overheating. If you have a garage, install the charging point on a wall adjacent to where the vehicle will be parked. In the absence of a garage, outdoor installation is possible, provided the bollard is weatherproof and well secured.

Compliance with electrical standards

Your electrical installation must comply with the NF C 15-100 standardwhich governs domestic installations in France. This standard imposes specific requirements for charging stations, including the installation of a dedicated differential circuit breaker to protect against overloads and short circuits. In addition, the charging station must be connected to an earthed socket to avoid any risk of electrocution.

Access and safety

Make sure the charging station is easily accessible for daily charging, without obstructing passage or normal use of the garage or driveway. Avoid placing the charging station in areas with heavy foot traffic or near flammable objects. Safety must be a priority to avoid accidents and damage.

Cable management

To prevent tripping and cable damage, use cable management solutions such as cable reels or wall brackets. This helps keep the space clean and organized, while extending the life of your equipment.

Forecasts for the future

If you're planning to install several bollards or other electrical equipment, consider an installation that can be easily expanded, including the installation of additional conduits and the anticipation of future electrical power requirements.

Is it possible to receive aid for the installation of a recharging point a second time?

The answer is yes, it's perfectly possible to benefit from a second round of aid for installing a charging station in your new home. Here's an overview of the main grants available and the conditions for obtaining them. Note that all these grants can be combined.

Models Consumption* (kWh / 100 km) Table Price list
Tesla Model 3
14.7 kWh
53 490 €
Peugeot e-208
14.9 kWh
32 600 €
Mini Cooper SE
14.9 kWh
32 600 €
Volkswagen ID. 4
14.9 kWh
32 600 €
Hyundai Kona Electric
Renault Megane E-Tech
Nissan Leaf e+
14.9 kWh
32 600 €
Nissan Leaf e+

What are the procedures for installing a terminal in a condominium?

Identify the need and choose the type of installation

In the case of an individual installation, a co-owner wishes to install a charging station at his own expense on his private parking space. In the case of a collective installation, the co-ownership wishes to install charging stations for shared use by the co-owners.

Making a request to the building manager

For an individual installation, the co-owner must inform the property manager by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, including a description of the work and a connection diagram. For collective installations, the request must be placed on the agenda of the next general meeting. The managing agent must collect the requirements and request quotes from several service providers.

Planning and quotation

The property manager must assess the condominium's needs and request quotes from IRVE-qualified installers. The various quotes should be compared to select the best technical and financial solution.

General Meeting vote

The proposal to install charging stations must be put to the vote of the co-owners at the general meeting. A simple majority is generally sufficient to approve the project. Once the project has been approved, the syndic can finalize the contracts with the chosen service providers.

Carrying out the work

Installation must be carried out by IRVE-certified professionals, in compliance with current standards. Connection can be made either to the general electricity supply, or via individual meters for precise metering of each user's consumption.

Financing and grants

Co-owners can benefit from various forms of assistance, such as the Advenir bonus, which covers up to 50% of installation costs, and tax credits. Installations must be carried out by certified professionals to be eligible for these grants.

Follow-up and maintenance


The building owner or a service provider can take charge of managing and maintaining the charging stations, with costs shared out according to each user's consumption.

Is the bollard warranty still valid after a move?

The warranty on a charging station depends on a number of factors, including the specific terms of the warranty contract, the initial installation, and the way in which relocation is carried out. As a general rule, the warranty covers manufacturing defects and material malfunctions over a given period. For charging stations, this period may vary, but is often 3 to 5 years. For example, some extended warranties can go up to five years, covering repairs or replacement of the charging station in the event of a problem.

It is crucial that the bollard is relocated by a qualified professional, such as an IRVE(Infrastructure de Recharge des Véhicules Électriques) certified electrician. This requirement is not only for safety reasons, but also to maintain the validity of the warranty. If the bollard is moved without the intervention of a qualified professional, this could invalidate the warranty.

When relocating, be sure to keep all invoices and documents relating to the original and new installations. These documents may be required for any future warranty claims. Some suppliers require the initial installation and any relocation to be carried out by an electrician for the warranty to remain valid.


 ❌Warranty exclusions


It is important to note that some warranties explicitly exclude damage caused by incorrect installation, unauthorized modifications, or relocations carried out without the approval of a certified professional. Cosmetic damage, normal aging and power surges are generally not covered by warranty.

Is a charging station an asset when selling a home?

The installation of an electric vehicle charging station is increasingly seen as a major asset when selling a home. With the steady increase in sales of electric vehicles, the availability of a home charging station is becoming an increasingly sought-after criterion for buyers. An installed charging point adds significant value to a property. This is particularly true in areas where public charging infrastructure may be limited. The presence of such a facility reassures future buyers that it will be easy to recharge their electric vehicle, without having to incur the installation costs and procedures themselves.


If you would like to know more about the charging station tax credit at 2024please consult our article on the subject.

Image by Adrien-Maxime MENSAH
Adrien-Maxime MENSAH

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