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Tax on Chinese electric cars: the impact on Europe

Tax on Chinese electric cars - the impact on Europe

As theis seeking to reduce its carbon footprint and boost domestic production of electric vehiclesa recent decision to impose additional customs duties on electric cars from China has raised eyebrows. Indeed, Chinese manufacturers have rapidly gained market share in Europe thanks to their competitive prices and innovative technological innovations. However, this new pricing policy could disrupt the European automotive marketaffect consumers, and provoke major diplomatic reactions from Beijing.


This decision raises many questions: will it do more harm than good to Europe's climate objectives? Will it drive up prices for European consumers? 


In this article, we'll explore the implications of this tax on Chinese electric vehicles, examining the EU's arguments and China's potential reactions. We'll also analyze the potential impact on prices, the market and the environment, to help you understand the ins and outs of this complex decision.

Table of contents

Chinese electric cars on European soil: unfair competition and dumping?

While the European Union has approved a ban on internal combustion engines in new vehicles from 2035, a certain amount of apprehension is evident in Europe, cradle of famous brands and a leader in automotive innovation for over 100 years. 

The European Commission survey

At present, China China accounts for around 8% of electric car sales in Europe. The rise of the Chinese carmaker BYD has, for the first time, surpassed Tesla in terms of electric car deliveries in the 4ᵉ quarter of 2023..


In response to fears of a massive influx of Chinese electric cars onto the European market, in October 2023 an investigation into the subsidies granted to these vehicles in question.

Today, world markets are flooded with cheap Chinese electric cars, whose prices are kept artificially low by massive public subsidies.

This investigation, limited to 13 months, will evaluate the extent of Chinese subsidies in this sector. In the event of proven unfair competition, Europe may impose additional additional customs duties on the products concerned, in accordance with WTO (World Trade Organization) rules.


As a reminder, as of January 1ᵉʳ, 2024, France will only be issuing a ecological bonus only to electric vehicles with an environmental score deemed acceptable. Only vehicles whose CO2 emissions during production and transport to the end customer remain below a certain threshold are eligible for this aid.


In addition to this environmental score : 

  • sound weight must be under 2.4 tonnes,
  • its cost must not exceed €47,000 inc. excluding options,
  • and must be powered by electricity and/or hydrogen with no CO2 exhaust emissions.


In short, this measure excludes all Chinese vehicles.

The European Commission's final verdict

After 9 months of investigation, on Wednesday June 12, 2024, the European Commission temporarily established that the battery electric vehicle value chain in China was supported by subsidies deemed unfairthus posing an economic threat to electric car producers in the European Union..


So, despite opposition from countries such as Hungary, Germany and Sweden, the latter has declared that it will temporarily introduce tariffs of up to 38.1% on imports of Chinese electric carsThis measure is likely to arouse China's anger and lead to possible retaliation. These provisional duties will be added to the current 10% tariff on on imports of new vehicles into Europe.


From now on, in addition to the 10% tax on vehicles produced in Chinese factories in the EU, the Commission plans to impose countervailing duties of :

  • 17,4% for Chinese automaker BYD,
  • 20% for Geely,
  • and 38,1% for SAIC.


Concerning other manufacturers, those who cooperated with the investigations will be subject to a customs duty of 21%while those who did not will be subject to a rate of 38,1%.


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian was quick to criticize the "purely protectionist protectionist behavior "protectionist Europeans. He also warned that China "will take all necessary measures to firmly defend its legitimate rights".


The Asian country defends itself by arguing that its companies have conquered market share mainly thanks to the quality and technological innovation of their products. quality and technological innovation.


💡Did you know ? In 2023, China surpassed Japan as the world's leading automotive exporter, after investing early in batteries.


Europe now has a few weeks to reach an agreement with China. If negotiations with the Chinese authorities fail, these temporary countervailing duties will come into force on July 4, 2024in the form decided by the customs authorities of each member state. However, it is important to specify that they will not be levied until definitive duties are actually introduced.


After the introduction of provisional duties, Brussels will have 4 months to apply definitive duties. However, they can be cancelled if at least 15 member states, representing 65% of the EU population, object.

Our aim is not to close the EU market to Chinese electric vehicles, but to ensure fair competition.

💡Did you know ? The week before the EU's decision, shares in shares in Chinese electric car manufacturers fell in Hong Kong. Geely and XPeng saw their values fall by around 8 %while BYD fell by around 3 %.


On the US side, on May 14, President Joe Biden declared an increase tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles from 25% à 100%. This measure is aimed at strengthening the American market, thus favoring Tesla, the national leader.

The impact of this measure on European carmakers

Initially, these initiatives were put in place so that the European Union could defend its automotive sector, as this : 


  • create many well-paid jobs,
  • promotes an environmental program aimed at reducing CO₂ emissions from transport. 


Despite the EU's various plans to promote electric vehicles, some European countries have experienced difficultiesThese include the removal of purchase incentives in Germany and other markets. On top of this, we have the customs duties imposed by the European Commission to contend with.

German manufacturers such as Volkswagen and BMW would be affected by a trade dispute following the latest measures. The reason? Both sold 4.6 million vehicles in China in 2022a key market for their business.

As with the other two manufacturers, China accounts for 36% of total making it particularly vulnerable to retaliation.


However, they are not the only European automakers to express their concerns. Companies such asAudi, Mercedes and Volkswagen likewise sell around 40% of their sales in China.

The risks of a major trade conflict are obvious, and its consequences must be taken into account.

We also have Volvo, a Swedish manufacturer belonging to the Chinese Geely group, which achieves 42% of its sales in Europe and 24% in China.

It's a bad idea (...) to dismantle world trade.

In short, higher taxes could provoke retaliatory measures against them.

This is why the taxes have been overwhelmingly rejected by Western automakersincluding Ola Källenius, CEO of Mercedes-Benzpleading for open markets.

We don't close our markets to foreign companies, because we don't want that for our companies either.

The counter-attack by Chinese manufacturers against these measures

Just to counter the decision to introduce an environmental score for eco-friendly vehicles, subsidiary MG of SAIC Motor in China has opted for an immediate 4,000 discount on all its electric and plug-in hybrid models..


What's more, Chinese giant BYD has announced plans to build a factory in Hungary to avoid economic sanctions against Chinese models. 


On the other hand, following the investigation carried out by the European Commission, China launched an investigation in January targeting all brandies spirits imported from the European Union, specifically including cognac. But that's not all: according to Chinese state media, these products will also be targeted:

  • wine, 
  • pork, 
  • dairy products, 
  • and large-displacement vehicles.


As a reminder, European automakers, particularly the Germans, are voicing their concerns. Companies such asAudiBMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen around 40% of their sales in China. Higher taxes could provoke retaliatory measures against them.

Electric vehicles concerned

Among the vehicles affected by these punitive measures are the Dacia Springan affordable choice for many European consumers, but also the Volvo EX30recently voted 2024 premium car, are also affected.

What's more, the new Smart #1 and Smart #3as well as the Tesla Model 3 will also see their sales prices potentially increase.


These models account for a significant share of the electric vehicle market in Europe, making the price increase all the more significant. 

What's more, the European Union's decision to withdraw the ecological bonus for cars made in China further complicates the situation for consumers. 


This combination of factors is likely to make the purchase of electric vehicles less attractive, which could slow down their adoption in the region.


The European Union's decision to impose additional taxes on Chinese electric vehicles is likely to have a significant impact on the European market, affecting both automakers and consumers.


From now on, 2 major questions arise: 

  • What are the long-term consequences for the production chain and final selling prices? 
  • What strategies can European carmakers adopt to stay competitive?


We'll be keeping an eye on developments in this area over the coming weeks. Stay tuned to our blog Beev so you don't miss out on any electrifying news!

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Image by Maëlle Laurent
Maëlle Laurent

Committed to sustainable mobility, a sector revolutionizing the way we get around, I contribute to the energy transition through my articles.

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