Beev transforme la fin de la recharge gratuite au travail en opportunité : installez des bornes de recharge pour vos équipes dès maintenant ! En savoir plus …

Install charging stations in Lyon

Make your charging station installation a success with Beev and attract new customers. Support from A to Z, totally free of charge, by an expert who follows your project.

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Table of contents

The best charging station installers in Lyon

Install an electric vehicle charging station in Lyon! Are you about to buy or receive your electric vehicle? Would you like to be sure of being able to recharge at home without being dependent on roadside charging stations? Not sure which installer is best suited to your charging station needs and pricing?

Would you like to know which grants you are eligible for to reduce your purchase costs?

We explain it all!

Electric cars are highly sought-after in urban areas, particularly in big cities like Lyon. They can be used for your daily commute at low cost, while contributing to the development of a greener environment.

Large-scale charging station networks make access to public charging stations as easy as possible. In this regard, IVIZIA and Demeter are the best-developed networks in Lyon and its 59 communes.

However, 80% of electric vehicle users today prefer to install their own charging station. They prefer to do this at home or at work, to ensure the comfort and security of recharging their vehicle on a daily basis. 

That's why Beev has compiled a list of the best charging station installers in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.  

Hundreds of companies and individuals place their trust in us

Driving an electric vehicle in Lyon: the advantages

Reinforced EPZs

Since the rise in popularity of the electric vehicle, the introduction of Low Emission Zones (ZFE ) has been increasingly reinforced. Introduced in 2015 in the cities most prone to pollution, these restrictions are being further tightened in 2017 and 2019, to the point where vehicles categorized as Unclassified, Crit'Air 5 and Crit'Air 4 are no longer allowed access.

These restrictions apply primarily to where traffic is heaviest.

In Lyon, the Low Emission Zone perimeter covers virtually the entire city.

To find out more about Lyon's EPZ restrictions, please consult this article.

Since 2019, this approach has been part of a metropolitan framework: the entire perimeter delimited by the A86 freeway (A86 excluded) is affected by these same traffic restrictions. The introduction of the Metropolitan Low Emission Zone was made mandatory by the Loi d'orientation des mobilités of December 2019.

Free parking

Today, priority is given to clean mobility.

To encourage the use of electric vehicles, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and in some French cities, parking is totally free. For residents and visitors alike.

Since 2019, parking for electric vehicles, in the Lyon metropolitan area and in some of its communes, is free of charge.

To benefit from these advantages, you need to go to your local town hall, which will issue your clean vehicle with a Crit'Air 0 emissions sticker.

The Greater Lyon IVIZIA Network

Public charging stations are spread throughout the city, with the aim of facilitating access to electric charging.

In Lyon, the Demeter and Ivizia groups are in full deployment. And byn September 2020, Ivizia had already installed 25 of the 641 charging points planned.

This network will feature :

  • 59 municipalities equipped with charging stations 
  • 600 charging points available 
  • 170 charging stations - from 7 to 150 kW
  • 100% renewable electricity
Lyon and the surrounding area


Greater Lyon rates

Lyon lacks charging stations

  • "Frankly, I don't rely too much on bollards in town".

    At least the message conveyed by this testimonial is clear. Charging stations are quite effective in the city for short-term recharging. As Lyon's network of charging stations is still under development, it does not yet meet the needs of the whole city. 

    "I charge at home; we're lucky enough to have a detached house. I have a special plug, and even solar panels. When I come to Lyon, I can use a parking space that has a charging point, but they're rare and not often free".

    The network of public charging stations is more or less developed, depending on the city. In Lyon, for example, there are several reports of overuse of charging stations. This is blocking access to recharging for some. 

    Installing an individual charging station is therefore an effective solution for Lyonnais who want to recharge their electric vehicle on a daily basis.

The advantages of installing a charging station in Lyon

  • Ecological 

While the electric vehicle aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, recharging electric vehicles also has its share of ecological benefits. An electric vehicle's battery can be recharged using photovoltaic panels. These panels are a renewable, inexhaustible, economical and sustainable source of energy.

In France, energy is drawn from wind turbines, but this will be a promising option in the future.

  • Economical 

The French government is closely involved in energy transition projects, and supports its population financially. The government has set up a range of subsidies to make it easier for everyone to buy an electric car, and in some cases deducts up to 50% of the cost of the equipment needed to maintain the vehicle. In other words, charging stations, plugs and even the initial cost of the electric vehicle, the price of which is reduced thanks to the ecological bonus and the conversion premium.

  • Technical

IRVE(Infrastructure de recharge de véhicules électriques) certification, which is mandatory in France, requires the involvement of experienced professional electricians and craftsmen, who themselves have their own equipment, from plugs to cables, most of which are manufactured in France by craftsmen certified to the same level.

Available and attentive professionals will provide you with a free estimate on request, and will guide you through the installation process. Prices range from 300 to 1000 euros.

Why install your own charging station?

Installing your own charging station ensures deliverability and comfort .

Electric cars need recharging on an almost daily basis . It is therefore important to ensure that you have the necessary equipment at your disposal. The network of charging stations in Lyon can be a great help, but having your own charging station at hand is certainly more efficient.

You'll save the cost of recharging and the time it takes to get to the charging station. If you have a charging station at your disposal, whether at home or at work. This way, you won't have to constantly go to public charging stations at random. 

It's also a question of the availability and over-use of public charging stations, which are then accessible on a random basis. So it's still more practical and affordable to install your own charging station.

What's more, companies and businesses that are well equipped with charging stations attract more customers by providing this extra convenience. 

Afterwards, they extend the time visitors spend there.

They also make everyday life easier for their employees, who no longer have to worry about recharging their vehicles.

The different types of refill

The type of recharging you choose will depend on the battery your electric vehicle is equipped with. Recharging time varies according to the size of the battery and the vehicle'srange. The greater the range, the longer the recharge time.

There are 4 types of charge, which fill up your vehicle with energy over different charging times. 

  • Slow load - 3.7 kW
  • Normal load - 7kW
  • Accelerated load - 22kW

Fast-charging systems with a power rating of over 50 kW are very rare. You'll probably only find them on freeways.

For charging at home or at the workplace, it is advisable to install these two charging infrastructures:

  • Wall-mounted socket: for enhanced recharging compared with a conventional household socket. The Green-up can be mounted on a wall, in your garage for example. This type of recharging offers a slow charge of 3kW, lasting from 8h to 13h.
  • Recharging station: For higher-power recharging, can be installed in your private parking lot, and is also very efficient if you share the station with other people. It offers a slow charge of 7kW (single-phase installation), then 11kW and 22kW (three-phase installation), for a recharge lasting from 5h to 7h.

Also read: Green 'up or Wallbox: which solution should you choose?

How to choose the right charging station installer in Lyon?

Since Decree 2017-26 came into force on January 12, 2017, any installation of an electric charging station, with a power rating of over 3.7kW, must be carried out by a qualified electrical professional. This qualification can be issued by an accredited body.

The following criteria should be taken into account when choosing a charging station installer.

  • A team of IRVE-certified professionals: The first criterion to take into account when choosing a charging station installer is, of course, IRVE (Infrastructure de recharge véhicule électrique) certification. This certification is mandatory to be recognized as acharging station installer. What's more, if you don't have this certification, organizations won't be able to grant you financial aid for installation.
  • A team that respects installation laws : The installation of a charging station is subject to demanding standards that must be respected. These may depend on the age of the installation site, the equipment chosen, etc. Their purpose is not only to ensure that the charging infrastructure and equipment function properly, but also to benefit from the warranty in the event of malfunctions. 
  • A company that's available: It's important that you choose a team that respects you and is ready to listen to you, in order to carry out the project. A legitimate company will not only have plenty of information available on its website, but will be able to answer any questions you may have. Make sure the company is certified enough to answer your questions based on hard facts. 
  • A detailed service plan: Your choice of installer must make sense to you. An installer who takes the time to explain and detail the project is being transparent with you. This aspect is highly valued, since he informs you of everything you need to know, preferably from A to Z, from quotation to installation to after-sales service. After all, it's more reassuring to know what you're investing in. Make sure the company provides you with all the details concerning your purchase, as well as its warranty, and that it will be on hand in the event of any post-installation problems.

With Beev, there's no need to compare quotes or installers. We take care of it for you! Our installers carry the IRVE certification which entitles you to ADVENIR aid. Our installers are experts in their field and guarantee you a trouble-free installation.

Make your request now and our experts will contact you within the hour!

Aid for the installation of a recharging point in Lyon

To reduce the cost of installing your recharging station, the French government offers customized grants. Some of these grants are available throughout France, while others are specific to each region or town.

Initially, you can benefit from these common forms of assistance, including the tax credit and the Advenir bonus. To complement these aids, the Lyon metropolitan area has introduced additional support for the purchase of a charging station in the city of Lyon and its 59 communes.


The amount of the tax credit for the installation of an electric vehicle charging station is :

  • 500 per charging system for a connected terminal
  • 300 € per charging system for a non-connected terminal, with or without load shedding


Bonne nouvelle : le programme ADVENIR est prolongé jusqu’en 2027, avec l’objectif de financer 250 000 points de recharge pour accompagner la transition vers la mobilité électrique.  

For companies and public bodies:

Targets Charging power Rate of assistance Ceiling excl. VAT per recharging point
Private parking lot open to the public
AC all power ratings
30 %
1,000 EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public
DC all wattages
30 %
2,700 EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public - intermediate target (hotels, restaurants, shops)
AC all power ratings
30 %
700 excl. tax + €300 excl. tax surcharge for supervision, i.e. €1,000 excl. tax

IMPORTANT: incentives for charging points open to the public in private parking lots and for the intermediate target will be withdrawn from the ADVENIR program on August 1, 2023.

For apartment buildings:

Targets Rate of assistance Ceiling excl. VAT per recharging point
Individual use
50 %
Shared use
50 %
1,660 EXCL.
Collective infrastructure in condominiums
50 %
3,000 excluding VAT for outdoor roadwork

For public roads :

Targets Rate of assistance Ceiling excl. VAT per recharging point
30 %
Between €1,000 and €9,000 excl.
Two-wheelers on the road
30 %
1,000 EXCL. TAX

Discover your financial aid with our simulator!

Need to find out about financial assistance for your recharging solution? Use our project simulator to find out how you can reduce the cost of purchasing and installing charging stations.

Good to know: to finance your charging station installation project, the ADVENIR program is extendingfinancial assistance until 2025. The aim of this extension is to make electric charging more accessible to all owners of clean vehicles.

Lyon charging station: Installing your own charging station

The installation of a charging station will vary depending on the location.

Choosing the right charging station installer in Lyon

How to choose a bollard installer?

The following criteria must be taken into account when choosing an installer.


  • A team of certified professionals (IRVE) : not just anyone can install charging stations! The company you choose must work with a team of certified professionals (IRVE certification) to ensure proper installation and avoid problems. If you don't have this certification, the organizations won't be able to grant you financial aid for installation.
  • A team that respects installation laws : Just like a water heater or heating system, installing a charging station is subject to exacting standards that must be respected. If you don't, not only will the warranty on the device be void in the event of a problem, but you'll probably have problems with your charging station as well.
  • A company that respects you and answers your questions: When you make a purchase like this, it's normal to have questions. A legitimate company will not only have plenty of information available on its website, but will know how to answer the ones you ask. If a company dodges questions and answers only that they know what they're doing... run, they're probably not certified to do the job.
  • A detailed service plan: Somewhat related to the previous point, you'll know you're dealing with a good company if it's transparent. That is, it explains the process from A to Z, from quotation to installation to after-sales service. The company will provide you with full details of your purchase and its warranty, and will be on hand in the event of any post-installation problems.

The best bollard installers in Lyon!

With Beev, there's no need to compare quotes or installers. We take care of it for you! Our installers carry the IRVE certification which entitles you to ADVENIR aid. Our installers are experts in their field and guarantee you a trouble-free installation.

Good to know: to help you finance your charging station installation projects, the ADVENIR program is extending its subsidies until 2025, with the aim of reaching 65,000 charging points.
What's more, from August 1, 2022, the ADVENIR bonus will be reduced. This change concerns private parking lots open to the public for the modernization of obsolete recharging points, and heavy goods vehicle fleets. The new rates and amounts are already available on

What's more, thanks to collaboration between ADVENIR and Mobilians, a new financial aid scheme has been launched for automotive service professionals. To find out more, we invite you to consult this article on grants for the installation of charging stations.

With Beev, there's no need to compare quotes or installers. We take care of it for you! Our installers carry the IRVE certification which entitles you to ADVENIR aid. Our installers are experts in their field and guarantee you a trouble-free installation.

In collaboration with Mobilians, an employers' organization,ADVENIR has set up a new support program dedicated to automotive service professionals, to encourage them to electrify their parking lots.

Below, you can find the applicable aid amounts for this grant: 

For automotive service professionals :

Targets Rate of assistance Ceiling excl. VAT per recharging point
Fleets and employees
25 %
750 € EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public
50 %
Between €1,700 and €15,000 excluding VAT

In addition, the Metropole of Lyon has also set up a financial aid to alleviate the financing of the project for :

  • heavy goods vehicles (3.5-tonne GVW)
    • electric: €10,000
    • hydrogen: €13,000
  • light commercial vehicle
    • electric: €3,000
    • hydrogen: €8,000

This aid, offered by Métropole, can be combined with Advenir premiums as indicated above.

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Basé sur 374 avis
24 février 2025

Un grand merci à Léo qui n'a pas ménagé ses efforts malgré les contraintes pour trouver le meilleur financement et LE véhicule que je souhaitais dans des délais courts.

20 février 2025

Bonjour l'équipe Beev, J'ai pas grand chose à dire, mais juste waouh, service impeccable et je tiens à remercier en particulier Mr Léo CHAPUT pour son professionnalisme. je recommande sans hésitation.

Pascal Thomassin
Pascal Thomassin
21 janvier 2025

Excellent contact avec le représentant commercial, livraison ultra rapide et installation réalisée telle que prévue par une équipe compétente. La borne fonctionne parfaitement, que demander de plus ?

Freddy Tschudin
Freddy Tschudin
21 janvier 2025

Guten Morgen Herr Mehaoucha Die Installation ist abgeschlossen und alles funktioniert einwandfrei.👍👍☺️ Ich möchte mich noch einmal für Ihren persönlichen Einsatz bestens bedanken. Ich arbeite selber im Dienstleistungssektor und weiss genau was Kundenservice, rasche Bearbeitung und Freundlichkeit bedeuten. All das haben Sie mit Bravour erfüllt.👍Mein Kompliment (auch an das BEEV-Team). Ich kann BEEV nur weiterempfehlen. Alles TOP

stephane prandi
stephane prandi
10 janvier 2025

Très bonne expérience avec Beev, installation de borne électrique rapide et efficace. Très simple d'utilisation et qui marche impeccablement. Je recommande sans réserve.

Jérôme Courte
Jérôme Courte
28 décembre 2024

Borne de recharge Wallbox installée par un technicien compétent et sympathique. Travail effectué proprement. Bonne communication avec le commercial. Intervention rapide. Je recommande Beev.

The best charging station installers by city and region