Beev transforme la fin de la recharge gratuite au travail en opportunité : installez des bornes de recharge pour vos équipes dès maintenant ! En savoir plus …

Install charging stations in Normandy

Make your charging station installation a success with Beev and attract new customers. Support from A to Z, totally free of charge, by an expert who follows your project.

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Charging stations in Normandy

If you live in Normandy, you may know better than we do that the region has been promoting ecomobility within its department. In fact, the region offers numerous grants, in addition to those from the French government, for the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations

This has worked out rather well, as Normandy is one of the best equipped regions in terms of terminals per inhabitant, with over 2200 terminals in service deployed throughout the territory. In fact, Normandy boasts one of the best-equipped regions in proportion to its population. More generally, the region is committed to sustainable development, powering all its charging stations with green electricity such as :

  • Solar energy
  • Wind power 
  • Geothermal energy

The assistance provided by the region for the acquisition of a clean vehicle is also having an impact. In the first half of 2021 alone, more than 18,753 newelectric and plug-in hybridvehicles were sold in Normandy. And this trend is set to accelerate over time, as more and more car brands move into electric vehicles. These include conventional manufacturers such as Peugeot and Volkswagen, as well as luxury brands like Porsche and Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce plans to launch its first electric model in 2023, and to be fully electric by 2030, like its British counterpart Bentley.

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Charging stations in Normandy: Coping with peak demand

Normandy has a large number of second homes, which considerably increases the number of visitors to these seaside areas in high season.

Despite Normandy's charging network, its facilities are not yet sufficient to meet demand during peak periods. The region faces a real headache, as the charging stations, overloaded in the summer season, are not as popular the rest of the year. The SDEC accuses some motorists of "squatting" excessively at certain recharging points while they're at the beach, thus blocking recharging for other users.

To go further → How to avoid sump cars?

Beev helps you install your charging stations

ADVENIR aid rate and ceiling for charging points open to the public in private parking lots

Targets Charging power Rate of assistance Ceiling excl. VAT per recharging point
Private parking lot open to the public
AC all power ratings
30 %
1,000 EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public
DC all wattages
30 %
2,700 EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public - intermediate target (hotels, restaurants, shops)
AC all power ratings
30 %
700 excl. tax + €300 excl. tax surcharge for supervision, i.e. €1,000 excl. tax

IMPORTANT : ces primes pour les points de recharge ouverts à tout public sur parking privé et pour la cible intermédiaire (hôtels, restaurants et commerces), seront retirées du programme ADVENIR le 1er août 2023.

Bonne nouvelle : le programme ADVENIR est prolongé jusqu’en 2027, avec l’objectif de financer 250 000 points de recharge pour accompagner la transition vers la mobilité électrique. 

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Advisors available to help you define the charging solution best suited to your needs, and to accompany you through to installation of your charging solution 2-hour call-back Fair and transparent advice customer service always available

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Because your satisfaction is our priority, we've thought of everything to simplify your task and deliver the best possible experience. - IRVE-approved installers guarantee quality installation - Online contract and signature - Simplified procedure

Don't miss out on any more grants at

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We'll help you get all the support you're eligible for when installing your charging solution! ADVENIR bonus, tax credit, regional aid, reduced VAT rate.... The advantages are numerous. Don't panic, our team will take care of everything!

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Basé sur 374 avis
24 février 2025

Un grand merci à Léo qui n'a pas ménagé ses efforts malgré les contraintes pour trouver le meilleur financement et LE véhicule que je souhaitais dans des délais courts.

20 février 2025

Bonjour l'équipe Beev, J'ai pas grand chose à dire, mais juste waouh, service impeccable et je tiens à remercier en particulier Mr Léo CHAPUT pour son professionnalisme. je recommande sans hésitation.

Pascal Thomassin
Pascal Thomassin
21 janvier 2025

Excellent contact avec le représentant commercial, livraison ultra rapide et installation réalisée telle que prévue par une équipe compétente. La borne fonctionne parfaitement, que demander de plus ?

Freddy Tschudin
Freddy Tschudin
21 janvier 2025

Guten Morgen Herr Mehaoucha Die Installation ist abgeschlossen und alles funktioniert einwandfrei.👍👍☺️ Ich möchte mich noch einmal für Ihren persönlichen Einsatz bestens bedanken. Ich arbeite selber im Dienstleistungssektor und weiss genau was Kundenservice, rasche Bearbeitung und Freundlichkeit bedeuten. All das haben Sie mit Bravour erfüllt.👍Mein Kompliment (auch an das BEEV-Team). Ich kann BEEV nur weiterempfehlen. Alles TOP

stephane prandi
stephane prandi
10 janvier 2025

Très bonne expérience avec Beev, installation de borne électrique rapide et efficace. Très simple d'utilisation et qui marche impeccablement. Je recommande sans réserve.

Jérôme Courte
Jérôme Courte
28 décembre 2024

Borne de recharge Wallbox installée par un technicien compétent et sympathique. Travail effectué proprement. Bonne communication avec le commercial. Intervention rapide. Je recommande Beev.

See our installation tips for these other cities

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A number of documents are required in order to qualify for assistance.
These include

  • Proof that you live in Normandy
  • Your identity card 
  • Your payment details 
  • A letter of request, including your first and last name, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address, dated and signed
  • Undertaking form, to be downloadeddated and signed
  • Your tax notice for 2018
  • A commercial quotation less than 3 months old
  • The vehicle must be 100% electric  
  • Cash purchase or long-term lease (with or without purchase option)
  • The reference tax income (RFR) threshold must be less than or equal to €37,196 for a single person.

Further support is available for hydrogen-powered gas vehicles, as well as 100% electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells.

First of all, you must send your letter before signing a contract in order to benefit from the offer. 

The completed application must be returned to the following postal address:  

Mr President of the Normandy Region

Direction Energie, Environnement, Développement Durable - Service Energies renouvelables - CS 50523 - 14035 Caen Cedex 1

In the Rouen metropolitan area, the town of Elbeuf, parking is completely free for all electric vehicles on public roads. And that's not all! Not only is parking free, so is recharging! It's taken care of by the Rouen Normandie region. To do this, you'll need a Creavenir badge, which will give you access to the charging stations. 

It's easy to apply. All you need is :

  • Dyour driver's license
  • Dhe registration document for your electric vehicle
  • Dy identity card
  • Vur telephone numbers
  • Your contact details postal address
  • Your contact details e-mail address.

Once you've made your request, you'll need to pick it up at one of the metropole's reception sites, available on the website : Métropole Rouen Normandie.

For free parking, you will need to register your vehicle with LAPI (Lecture Automatique des Plaques d'Immatriculation) 

To do so, go to Pay my parking and register.

You will then need to provide the following documents: 

  • Identification 
  • Vehicle registration document in your name and at your home address

Whether you're a public institution, a business or an individual, you'll need to consider your needs before installing any charging station. 

Examine your power requirements 

If you're a business or public institution, your future charging station will be used many times by all types of vehicles in a very short space of time. It will also meet a strong need, whether on the part of your employees or simply users. To meet this demand, we recommend the use of fast charging stations ranging from 22 to 100 kW. This will ensure more efficient circulation of electric vehicles than with charging stations ranging from 7.4 kW to 22 kW. 

If you're a private individual who wants to recharge your vehicle overnight, for example, a simple 7.4 kW or 11 kW terminal will do the trick. 

Where to place your terminal? 

Another point not to be overlooked is the location of the terminal. If you wish to to install a charging station as a local authority in If you're a local authority in Normandy, your charging stations are likely to be located outdoors, on the road or in a parking lot. In this case, your bollards will need to comply with safety standards, to withstand shocks and weather conditions. To be placed outdoors, your bollards will need to meet at least the following standards IK08 and IP55 STANDARDS.

Whether at work, in public or at home, owning a connected charging station can bring added value. Connectivity is an increasingly important part of our daily lives. Connected charging stations are relatively expensive, but can be highly profitable. 

These terminals allow you to : 

  • Track your electricity consumption 
  • Some allow you to configure the terminal to charge only during off-peak hours.
  • Block foreign users from recharging (you never know) 
  • Automatic power management to avoid overloading and blowing lead seals 

Load shedding regulates the power drawn by the terminal according to the power available on your network.

Among other things, it becomes necessary on certain installations where the subscribed power is insufficient to support the bollard's consumption. We recommend that you include this option, especially if you are a private customer. 

As with any installation of a recharging point in a company or public institution, you are entitled to ADVENIR aid. 

In order to benefit from the ADVENIRsubsidy, you'll need to subscribe to the Supervision, Subscription and Maintenance options. These options will ensure that the charging station has a certain lifespan. To benefit from the ADVENIR subsidy, you'll also need to choose a certified installer and hire an IRVE-qualified electrician. The administrative procedures are fairly lengthy, but don't panic! Beev will take care of it for you!

To benefit from the bonus ADVENIRbonus, you need to install one or more recharging points in a private parking lot or one open to the public (customers, visitors, suppliers, other...).

The bonus ADVENIR covers supply and installation costs up to 30% for charging points in private parking lots and for the intermediate target. The maximum subsidies (excluding VAT) vary according to the theoretical maximum recharging power of the equipment installed.

If the applicant is a company, the scale is as follows: 

If your company is eligible, you may qualify for a subsidy. This subsidy can only be applied on condition that your employees benefit from this offer during their working hours. 

Please note: to obtain this local subsidy, your company must meet the conditions of the national program ADVENIR :

  • For private parking lots, for truck fleets: a 50% aid rate and a fixed amount between €2,200 and €960,000 excluding VAT,
  • For private parking lots open to the public: an aid rate of 30% and a fixed amount of between €1,000 and €2,700 excluding VAT,
  • For parking lots open to the public (intermediate target): an aid rate of 30% and an amount of €1,000 before tax,
  • For company fleets and employees of short-term rental vehicles: a rate of assistance of 20% and a fixed amount of €600 excluding VAT.

IMPORTANT: these incentives for recharging points open to the general public in private parking lots and for the intermediate target group (hotels, restaurants and shops), will be withdrawn from the ADVENIR program on August 1, 2023.

Individuals living in condominiums can also benefit from the ADVENIR bonus. Depending on the type of use chosen, the amounts and rates of assistance will vary. Here's the scale:

Depending on the type of use (individual or collective), the amount and rate of subsidy per recharging point may vary:

  • For individual use: 50% aid rate, with a ceiling of €960 (excl. VAT) per recharging point,
  • For shared use: 50% aid rate, with a ceiling of €1,660 (excl. VAT) per recharging point,
  • For collective infrastructure in condominiums: 50% aid rate to cover infrastructure costs and a ceiling of €3,000 (excl. VAT) per charging point for outdoor roadwork.

If you live in a single-family home and would like to install a recharging point at home, they will be eligible for MaPrimeRénov'. 

What's more, thanks to the collaboration between Advenir and the employers' organization Mobilians, Advenir has opened up financial assistance to automotive service professionals. To find out more, we invite you to consult this article on assistance for bollard installation.

With the MaPrimeRénov' tax credit, you can benefit from a retrofit for the purchase of an electric charging station up to December 31, 2025. 

Unlike the CITE, the MaPrimeRénov' tax credit is available for installations on both primary and secondary residences! 

The amount of the tax credit for the installation of an electric vehicle charging station is :

    • 500 per charging system for a connected terminal
    • 300 € per charging system for a non-connected terminal, with or without load shedding

You should be aware that the tax authorities may take back the tax credit if, after having benefited from it, you are reimbursed for the installation costs within 5 years. This recovery cannot be made following a claim. 

There is no universal criterion that will enable you to choose your service provider with certainty. However, it is important to take at least one criterion into account: certification. To be eligible for ADVENIR assistance, the service provider in charge of installation must be IRVE certified. This certification not only gives you access to ADVENIR assistance, it also guarantees quality. It's a guarantee that the work will be carried out correctly. 

Install your system via Beev! 

Beev has been awarded the Greentech Innovation label. This label certified by the French Ministry of Ecology and Transition attests to our mission committed to green mobility. 

This label guarantees both the quality of our installations and the expertise of our advisors. Our technicians carry the IRVE certification, which will give you access to ADVENIR assistance.