Beev transforme la fin de la recharge gratuite au travail en opportunité : installez des bornes de recharge pour vos équipes dès maintenant ! En savoir plus …

Install charging stations in Orléans

Make your charging station installation a success with Beev and attract new customers. Support from A to Z, totally free of charge, by an expert who follows your project.

Would you like to install a charging station?

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The Centre-Val-de-Loire region is currently deploying charging stations!

As France moves towards 100% electric mobility, the Centre-Val-de-Loire region is also in the midst of an energy transition. In fact, according to figures fromAvere-France dating from July 2022, 2,674 charging points have been installed in the region, which is still not enough to meet the growing demand from motorists.

To speed up the deployment of charging stations, the Conseil Régional have identified recharging needsin particular :

  • draw up a plan to increase the deployment of charging stations in the region 
  • become independent of fossil fuels in the wake of recent events (war in Ukraine and energy supply tensions)
  • aim to install 6,000 charging points by 2025

These plans have been drawn up to meet the needs of many electric car drivers: finding easily accessible charging stations. 

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Beev helps you install your charging stations

ADVENIR aid rate and ceiling for charging points open to the public in private parking lots

Targets Charging power Rate of assistance Ceiling excl. VAT per recharging point
Private parking lot open to the public
AC all power ratings
30 %
1,000 EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public
DC all wattages
30 %
2,700 EXCL. TAX
Private parking lot open to the public - intermediate target (hotels, restaurants, shops)
AC all power ratings
30 %
700 excl. tax + €300 excl. tax surcharge for supervision, i.e. €1,000 excl. tax

IMPORTANT: these incentives for recharging points open to the general public in private parking lots and for the intermediate target group (hotels, restaurants and shops), will be withdrawn from the ADVENIR program on August 1, 2023.

The good news is that the ADVENIR program has been extended until 2025, with additional resources.

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No more tension! Our team is at your side

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Advisors available to help you define the charging solution best suited to your needs, and to accompany you through to installation of your charging solution 2-hour call-back Fair and transparent advice customer service always available

A completely redesigned experience for your satisfaction

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Because your satisfaction is our priority, we've thought of everything to simplify your task and deliver the best possible experience. - IRVE-approved installers guarantee quality installation - Online contract and signature - Simplified procedure

Don't miss out on any more grants at

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We'll help you get all the support you're eligible for when installing your charging solution! ADVENIR bonus, tax credit, regional aid, reduced VAT rate.... The advantages are numerous. Don't panic, our team will take care of everything!

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Basé sur 374 avis
24 février 2025

Un grand merci à Léo qui n'a pas ménagé ses efforts malgré les contraintes pour trouver le meilleur financement et LE véhicule que je souhaitais dans des délais courts.

20 février 2025

Bonjour l'équipe Beev, J'ai pas grand chose à dire, mais juste waouh, service impeccable et je tiens à remercier en particulier Mr Léo CHAPUT pour son professionnalisme. je recommande sans hésitation.

Pascal Thomassin
Pascal Thomassin
21 janvier 2025

Excellent contact avec le représentant commercial, livraison ultra rapide et installation réalisée telle que prévue par une équipe compétente. La borne fonctionne parfaitement, que demander de plus ?

Freddy Tschudin
Freddy Tschudin
21 janvier 2025

Guten Morgen Herr Mehaoucha Die Installation ist abgeschlossen und alles funktioniert einwandfrei.👍👍☺️ Ich möchte mich noch einmal für Ihren persönlichen Einsatz bestens bedanken. Ich arbeite selber im Dienstleistungssektor und weiss genau was Kundenservice, rasche Bearbeitung und Freundlichkeit bedeuten. All das haben Sie mit Bravour erfüllt.👍Mein Kompliment (auch an das BEEV-Team). Ich kann BEEV nur weiterempfehlen. Alles TOP

stephane prandi
stephane prandi
10 janvier 2025

Très bonne expérience avec Beev, installation de borne électrique rapide et efficace. Très simple d'utilisation et qui marche impeccablement. Je recommande sans réserve.

Jérôme Courte
Jérôme Courte
28 décembre 2024

Borne de recharge Wallbox installée par un technicien compétent et sympathique. Travail effectué proprement. Bonne communication avec le commercial. Intervention rapide. Je recommande Beev.

The best charging station installers by city and region

Would you like to install a charging station?

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While the the European Union plans to ban the sale of new combustion-powered vehicles nationwide by 2035the demand for electric vehicles from motorists will increase over the next few years. To meet this demand, we need to install charging stations so that all motorists have easy access to recharging their vehicles.

As we mentioned earlier, in addition to meeting demand, the region wants to become the benchmark for electric mobility. 

What's more, the installation of bollards offers many advantages for both private individuals and businesses: 

  • companies : Installing charging stations in your company parking lot consolidates your commitment to the energy transition, reinforces your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and enhances the comfort of your employees, if they already have an electric car. They'll be able to recharge their vehicles easily. What's more, charging stations can also boost your brand's visibility on applications such as Chargemap or Googlemaps. This way, customers or visitors can easily find the location of your charging stations and take advantage of them to recharge their electric vehicle.
  • individuals : While the current number of charging stations in France is not yet sufficient for all motorists, having one close at hand saves energy and means you don't have to travel miles to find one elsewhere. What's more, did you know that installing a charging station at home (especially in a single-family home) adds value to your property? In fact, when your home is put up for sale or rent, the charging station will make it more attractive to the buyer, and make life easier for him or her when they want to recharge their electric car.

Before you think about installing charging stations, you need to know that both private individuals and businesses can install charging stations for their electric vehicles. No matter where you live: in a detached house, a second home or a condominium. 

When choosing a charging station, several factors are taken into account:

  • what is the maximum recharging power your vehicle can accept? (it all depends on the vehicle's battery capacity)
  • how far do you travel every day?
  • How often should I recharge?

Once you have answered these questions, it will be much easier for you to choose the charging station that best suits your needs: 

  • slow charge: 3.7 kW to recover around 15 km of range per hour 
  • normal charge: 7.4 kW to recover around 30 km of range per hour 
  • normal charge: 11 kW to recover around 60 km of range per hour 
  • fast charge: 22 kW to recover around 120 km of range per hour 

If you need help choosing your next bollard, don't hesitate to contact our Beev team.

You can't install an electric charging station yourself, unless you're a certified IRVE (Infrastructure de Recharge pour Véhicule Électrique) installer. Because yes, in accordance with the decree of January 12, 2017 (n°2017-26)it is mandatory to use an installer with probationary or definitive IRVE qualification. What's more, this decree states that the installation of a charging station concerns a charging point with a power rating greater than 3.7 kW. This means you can benefit fromADVENIR.

If you're interested in the subject, specialized training courses are available to become an IRVE installer. For this, you'll need to turn to Qualifelec and AFNORthe organizations authorized to issue IRVE qualifications. To find out more, read this this article which provides information on how to becoming an IRVE installer.

If you're an individual looking to install charging stations, good news! You're entitled to a low-cost electric charging point. 

Here are the aids to which you are entitled: 

  • ADVENIR assistance: a premium is granted according to your type of home and type of use:

If you live in a condominium :


Rate of assistance

Amount per recharging point (excl. VAT)

Individual use

50 %

960 €

Collective use

1 660 €

Collective infrastructure in condominiums 

Approximately 50% of infrastructure costs and up to €3,000 for outdoor roadworks

  • right to take in compliance with decree no. 2020-1720The "droit à la prise" is a right that residents of condominiums, apartment buildings and single-family homes can assert. In this way, in "enclosed and covered" parking lots, it will be possible to install a charging point if the resident so wishes. To assert this right, a registered letter must be sent to the owner if you are a tenant, and to the syndic if you are an owner.

If you live in a single-family home, charging stations are always installed by an experienced technician who has undergone IRVE (Infrastructure de Recharge pour Véhicules électriques) training.

As far as grants are concerned, single-family homes are not eligible for the ADVENIR grant. However, you may be eligible for other forms of assistance, such as the reduced VAT rate of 5.5. Enough to pay for the equipment and installation of low-cost terminals.

You can claim a tax credit of 75% of the cost of installing a home charging station. The credit is capped at €500 per charging station. It is open to individuals, professionals and local authorities, and applies to expenditure incurred between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2025.

Please note: since January 1, 2021, this tax credit has been replaced by MaPrimeRénov'. If you would like to know the exact conditions and amount, please consult this article on this new energy transition bonus.

If you're a professional and want to reinforce your parking lot, you should know that you can also benefit from installation grants. Let's see which ones:


  • For private parking lots, for truck fleets: a 50% aid rate and a fixed amount between €2,200 and €960,000 excluding VAT,
  • For private parking lots open to the public: an aid rate of 30% and a fixed amount between €1,000 and €2,700 excluding VAT,
  • For parking lots open to the public (intermediate target): an aid rate of 30% and an amount of €1,000 before tax,
  • For company fleets and employees of short-term rental vehicles: a rate of assistance of 20% and a fixed amount of €600 excluding VAT.

IMPORTANT: these incentives for recharging points open to the general public in private parking lots and for the intermediate target group (hotels, restaurants and shops), will be withdrawn from the ADVENIR program on August 1, 2023.

To apply for this bonus, contact our Beev experts

  • Certificat d'Économie d'Énergie (CEE): this national program is also available to companies wishing to carry out energy-saving work on their premises.

For more information on how ADVENIR premiums will change in 2023 : The ADVENIR bonus: what will change in 2023

For fleets of heavy goods vehicles wishing to install charging stations in private parking lots, are also eligible for the ADVENIR bonus. The rate of assistance will be reduced from 60% to 50% from August 1, 2022.

It should be noted that premiums for this target will also change as of August 1, 2022.



Rate of assistance

Amount per recharging point (excl. VAT)

Company and public entity: private parking lot

Between 12 and 43 kW AC

50 %

2 200 €

Company and public entity: private parking lot

Between 20 and 40 kW DC

3 300 €

Company and public entity: private parking lot

Between 41 and 140 kW DC

7 500 €

Company and public entity: private parking lot

Over 140 kW DC

15 000 €

In fact, we've put together a comprehensive guide to help you electrify your vehicle fleet. Don't hesitate to consult it. 

In Orléans, the network of electric car charging stations is mainly managed by Freshmile, operator since August 2021. The Orléans Métropole network comprises 34 charging stations spread over 21 communes, offering adequate coverage for electric vehicle users.

Here is a summary of the charging rates on the Freshmile network in Orléans :

Refill typeRate
Normal refill0.20 €/kWh
Fast charging0.39 €/kWh
Ultra-fast recharging0.55 €/kWh
2-hour packageFree (beyond that, €0.10/min)

Additional information:

  • Cost of Freshmile badge: €4.99 incl. VAT.
  • Free charging time: 2 hours (after this time, a charge of €0.10/min applies to encourage vehicle rotation and prevent abuse).

These rates may vary slightly depending on the operator and the specific features of the charging stations used. You can find and manage charging stations via the Chargemap application, which integrates Freshmile services and other networks in Europe.

Charging your electric vehicle is very simple: 

  • select the desired charging point
  • swipe your badge or credit card, or use the Freshmile app (available for Google Play and App Store) to scan the QR code
  • open the hatch, connect the car to the terminal and close the hatch

To stop recharging, follow the same procedure explained above.